Chapter 39

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I kept entering and exiting reality. Every couple of seconds I could see light then darkness again. I could hear a panicking Peter.

"Mam! Mam!" I heard as the world lightened up then darkened again. Then everything started to brighten again. "Please! Mr. Stark you need to hurry! Please! It's bad this time, really, really bad!"

Then my eyes started to focus on something, I could hardly see but I could recognize Peter in front of me with an unconscious May in his arms.

I try to get his attention, to let him know I'm okay and alive, but I can't.

I use all my strength in my body to try to move but all I do is move the tip of one of my fingers. I try to talk again, but I can't at all.

"Both you whores are slowly dying," I hear Helgen say. That bastard is still alive? My vision blurs up once again. I then slowly feel my body being lifted off the ground, but being dropped again as I heard a loud thud.

"JUST LEAVE US ALONE!" I hear Peter yell on the top of his lungs. I then hear thuds and grunts. They were fighting.

Then all of a sudden I feel a little strength in me. My vision then comes back, but still blurry. I slowly get up, but feel more pain rush to my back as I stand, if that was even possible.

I see Helgen and Peter fist fighting.

"Why won't you die motherfucker?!" Helgen yells. I then look over to my side. It was Helgens gun, he dropped it. I immediately get déjà vu. We've been in this situation before.

I slowly bend over and grab the gun. I lift it and point it towards the two. The gun was heavier then I thought, either the gun was super heavy or I was super weak. I'm going to guess it is the second option.

"Hey bastard," I weakly call out, surprisingly both of the two stop fighting and look over at me. Peters eyes widen and he lets go of Helgen as he stepped away. "You want me to kill you this time?"

"Oh darling, you'll die way before me," He growls. I shake my head, no, causing me to feel more dizzy then I was before.

"No," I say before shooting the gun. Helgen falls back, yelling out in pain. I hear him gasping for air.

"You whore!" I hear him gargle, his mouth full of his own blood.

I turn to face Peter.

"Now it's over," I say before I drop the gun and drop to the ground. Peter hurries to my side, just as he did earlier that night.

"Goddamn it," Peter growls as he holds me and grabs my hands. Then I hear some other loud noises. Peter's head snaps towards the direction where all the noise was coming from. He then looks back at me. "He's here, you'll be okay I promise!"

Then the world turned black once again.


3rd POV

Hours later Veronica was in Starks hospital wing. Peter sat next to her waiting for her to awake, or hear any news about her injuries.

He sat there for at least two hours before he heard the door open. His head snapped towards the door as Stark walks into the room, with sadness written all over his face.

"Hey Pete, I got some news," Stark says with a sad tone.

Peter knew it wasn't going to be good, since when did Stark call him Pete?

"What is it?" Peter asks, uneasily.

"Well good news," Stark says while looked at Veronica. "She'll be okay."

"Oh thank God!" Peter cries out as he grabs Veronicas hand.

"Bad news," Stark says, cutting off Peters happiness. Peter looks at him. "She was shot in the back, very close to her spinal cord. Very, very close. We will have to do surgery on her to remove the bullet from her back."

"Wait? What? You haven't taken the bullet out of her back?" Peter says, angered.

"Let me finish," Stark says.

Peter calms down.

"We cannot perform the surgery until she has a blood donor," Stark starts but is interrupted quickly by Peter.

"Okay, get a needle, I'll be her blood donor," Peter says.

"Peter, listen, we can't do that until she wakes up," Stark says. Peter looks at him confused.

"Okay, then we'll wait," Peter says.

"Peter, you aren't listening, she's in a coma," Stark says.

Peters eye widen in disbelief.

"What?" Peter mutters.

"Until she wakes up, there is nothing I can do, I'm sorry," Stark says.

"What if she never wakes up?" Peter questions.

"Exactly," Stark says, sadly.

"No," Peter says. "No, No! I can't loose her! Not again!"


"I shouldn't have let her come with me! I was an idiot for telling her to come with me! Why didn't I just go with my gut instinct?"

"Peter, they were out to get her, even if she wasn't with you she would have gotten hurt either way," Stark says.

Peter calms down as tears roll down his face.

"What now?" Peter asks, trying to wipe his tears away, not wanting Stark to see them.

"We wait."

"How long?"

"However long it takes."

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