Chapter 27

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A/N: Wow, three updates in one day, you got lucky, I'm going to be busy for a while so if I don't update a lot, I hope me updating three times in one day makes up for it, I'll probably do this more often if I am as busy as I think I'll be.



I was brought into a room with no furniture in it. The Mangler pushed me down to the ground. I turned to my back and watched him close the door behind him.

He stared at me for a few moments.

"What? You're going to hurt me right? Shoot me? Stab me?" I say. "Go ahead, I've been through it all, and I'm somehow still alive. As long as no one in there gets hurt, I'll be better than okay."

"Wow," He says. "I'm impressed."


"That you could back talk me like that, dumb teenager," He growls.

"Well what can I say? I've been kidnapped and tortured three times over the last couple of weeks, so yeah. I'm used to this shit by now."

He walks over to me and bends down to my level.

"I'm not intimidated by you, little girl," He says.

"You have no idea who you're messing with," I growl. He then tilts his head and I hear him gasp.

"Wait a minute," He says before he stands up right. "Wait a minute! I know who you are!"

"How?" I ask.

"You used to be on the black market, damn. That's why I recognized you the other day," He gasps again. "You're the Spider-Man's girlfriend."

I feel my eyes widen.

"No, I'm not," I say.

"Yes, you are!" He roars. "He's here! Isn't he?!"

"No," I lie.

"Yes, he is!" The Mangler cackles. "It's your boyfriend Peter, isn't it? He tried to protect you?" I stayed silent and glared at him. "Oh, this is too good, this has been a great night for me."

"Can you just get the entire torturing me over with?" I say, hoping he would forget about the whole Peter being Spider-Man thing.

"I got an even better idea now!" He roars before grabbing my arm and pulling me up. He puts the gun to my head again and escorts me out of the empty room.

He goes to his garage and puts his gun away. With his free hand he picks up two big bottles of gasoline and rope.

"Come on, sweetheart, we're going to light up this joint!" He laughs and pulls me back into the house.

The house was big. Big enough to fit Peter's entire high school in one large room.

I was pulled back to the large room. Everyone stopped talking and went silent. Eyes wide as I was pulled in. I looked over to where Peter and Ned were. Peter was gone. Good.

I was pulled up to where the microphone was. He dragged me over to a pillar and tied my wrists behind it. I was stuck.

He laughed as he picked up the microphone.

"Hello again, boys and girls. While talking to this young lady I realized you hormonal teenagers are too annoying to keep as hostages. I was going to just take you all back to where I keep the kids, but you all annoy the shit out of me," He says. Everyone started to cry again. I then look up to see Peter on the ceiling. He was in his suit and watching over everyone. He watched me the most. I gave him the signal that I was okay.

The Mangler then dropped the microphone and grabbed his jugs of gasoline and opened one. He then started to pour it on me and around me. He laughed as he trailed the gasoline all of the room and on everyone.

He was going to try to burn us all to death. Key word: try.

After getting everyone soaked in gasoline, he walked back to the microphone. While he did this, I loosened the ropes around my wrists.

"Alright, now before I kill you all, I noticed one particular person was missing, now I was wondering where the party guest of honor was?" He said into the microphone. Everyone whispered throughout about who he was talking about. "Where is Spider-Man?"

The whispers got louder. Everyone was shocked he was at the party.

"Oh come on! Spider-Man! I got your lady friend up here with me! Where are you, you bastard?" The Mangler says into the microphone. Peter doesn't move. "Am I going to have to say your name? Come out-"

Before he can say Peter, Peter swings down from the ceiling and tackles the Mangler. They start to fight and everyone goes crazy.

Everyone gets up and starts running around, scared. They start banging on the windows, some breaking. I keep fumbling around with the ropes, they were loose but not loose enough.

I keep looking up, seeing Peter and the Mangler fighting, then back down at my bound wrists. I then looked back to see no one fighting. Peter was out of sight, so was the Mangler.

Then I looked over to see people crowding around someone. Peter. I saw him jump up, but before he could do anything I hear the Mangler yell,

"Alright Spider-Man! You just cost everyone here their lives!"

I look over to see the Mangler with a lit match. He was standing at the open door. He then dropped the match and slammed the door shut, locking it. The fire then started to spread. Everyone then ran to the opposite side of the house.

The fire was spreading quick. I fumble quicker with the ropes. They wouldn't budge. The fire was getting closer and closer. I could hear screams and cries from people getting burned.

I then looked over to see Peter. He broke the door down. That's when people started to run through the fire to escape the burning home.

I still fumbled around with the ropes as the fire was inches away from me. I then felt someone untying the ropes. I look over to see Peter. I smiled as they became untied and he pulled me up and into his arms.

"We have to get out of here," I hear him say. I nod my head as we ran to the opposite side of the house, that was now empty, and broke down the back door.

He latched onto me and pulled me out of the house. Once we got out, he embraced me. We stayed in the embrace for a few moments before we heard yells and screams.

We ran to the other side of the house, to see everyone, either burnt or fine. People were embracing each other, crying, or calling the police.

"Oh my God," I mumble. I could feel Peter tense up as he grabbed me.

"T-This is bad, like r-really bad," Peter mumbles and stutters. Then I latch onto him and he shoots a web, sending us away.

The Mangler was only getting stronger and stronger and now had a new nemesis.


Caught In A Web (Peter Parker/Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now