Chapter 7

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I must have passed out from blood loss, from the bullet wound, because I remember waking up in the same spot, still tied to the same supporting beam. I huffed as I leaned my head back against the beam and stared up at the ceiling. My leg ached in pain. I guess I was alone. I didn't hear anything or anyone near us.

I glared over at the table Toomes was standing at earlier. I saw several empty beer bottles. The man likes his alcohol I guess. Then I noticed something on the table. It was a picture. It was of Toomes, a woman and a girl, a little older than me.

Then I recognized the girl.

"Liz?" I muttered. "Peter has a crush on Toomes daughter?"

"What was that?" I heard from the other side of me. I looked over and saw the guy that knocked me out, the partner I guess. But I thought I heard someone call him the Shocker?

"Nothing," I said, looking away.

"No, I heard you say something, what did you say?" He said walking over to me.

"Uh I said, why does Toomes have a picture of a woman and a girl on that table," I horribly lied. I hope he was gullible.

"That's his wife and daughter," He said, while looking down at the giant metal glove thing on his wrist.

"He has a family?"

"Yeah, they are the whole reason why we do this stuff," He said, not looking at me.

"So, they don't know," I said. Shocker nodded his head.

I then heard footsteps. I looked over to see Toomes with another beer, walking to the same table as before.

"You have a family?" I asked, out loud. He looked over at me and stopped what he was doing. He took a swig of his beer and then put it down at the table. I walked around the table and leaned against it looking at me.

"Excuse me?"

"You have a family, a wife and daughter. The picture," I said referring to the picture. He looked over his shoulder and saw the picture before looking back at me.

"And your point is?"

"They don't know about what you do, they don't know that you've committed major crimes? They don't know that you kidnapped a 15-year-old girl?" I spat at him. "Liz would be ashamed."

I then immediately looked away. Why the hell did I say that? I'm dead.

"Wait, did you just say Liz?" Toomes asked. I stayed quiet. I didn't look at him. I was too scared too. I could hear him getting closer and closer to me. "How the hell do you know my daughter's name?"

I just stared down at the ground. I didn't dare look at him. If I said anything he could find out about Peter in some way, I can't let that happen.

I then felt pressure on my leg, causing horrible pain. I started to breath heavily. It hurt so bad. I held in my cries of pain and continued to stare at the ground. He was stepping on my leg. I could feel more blood pouring out of my leg.

"How do you know my daughter?" He growled as he stepped down harder.

"At a party!" I said. Then all pressure disappeared. "At a party."

I took deep breaths as he walked away. I watched as he walked away from me and to Shocker. He had blood on the bottom of his shoe, causing bloody footprints to be trailed onto the warehouse floor.

"The plane takes off in twelve hours, I want you to prep everything that I need for the heist," He said before looking over at me and pointing to me. "I want her prepped too, she will be on that plane, tell the HYDRA messengers to meet us at our touch down spot and to have the money out and ready for me to collect."

I felt myself starting to get light headed again. The mixture of blood loss, fear and stress was getting to me. My vision would randomly get blurry and then go back to normal.

I saw Toomes opening another beer before I passed out again.


I woke up in what I thought was a different area, but I was wrong. Everything was gone, except a pool table with an empty beer bottle on it. I looked around. It was a big warehouse for sure. I don't know how they got all of that stuff out of here without waking me up.

I looked down at my throbbing leg. It was covered with a white bandage. Somehow they put this on me without waking me up. I was a bit impressed.

I knew no one was around this time. For sure.

I could feel the rope around my wrists digging into my skin, along with the wet feeling of blood. I could only think about something that wouldn't upset me.

I wanted to think about someone I haven't thought about in a while.

My parents.

I wonder where they are. I wonder if they are alive. I wonder what we would do when I was a kid. Did I play sports? Did I like performing? Did I have a good life before all this mess?

Did I have siblings? Do I have more family somewhere out there? I can feel my eyes tearing up as I think about them. I shouldn't though. I don't remember them. All I remember is my mother singing a song to me. I remember the lyrics.

"Nothing's going to harm you, not while I'm around. Nothing's going to harm you, darling, not while I'm around. Demons will charm you with a smile for a while, but in time, nothing can harm you, not while I'm around," I sang quietly to myself as I looked down at my basically dead leg.

I wonder if Peter is looking for me. He's probably too caught up in his own web to even know where to look. He's Spider-Man, I know I'm his current mission to protect and he failed, but he probably has better crimes to solve then go out of his way to save a girl who suffered amnesia and who has a huge crush on him. Well I just admitted to myself that I do.

One question that has been lurking in my mind is, why does HYDRA want me? Why would they need me? Do I mean something to them? I know it's because of my father in some way, but why?

All of a sudden I hear footsteps. I see Toomes walking to his pool table picking up the beer bottle and putting it in his jacket pocket. He looks over at me and smirks.

"Departure is in 2 hours," He announced. I glared at him. He looked over at me. "Before we leave I have to go drop my daughter off at her Homecoming with her date."

I immediately felt my heart drop.

"Who is her date?" I asked, hoping I didn't hear the name I was expecting to hear.

"Some kid named Peter Parker," He said. I bit my lip. Oh no, Peter is going to immediately know who Toomes is. Vulture.

"Liz is lucky," I said.

"Why? You know Peter Parker?"

"Yeah, we're good friends," I said. He nodded his head before leaving me alone once again. I stared at the ground.

Peter is in mortal danger and he has no idea. What if Peter does something to Toomes that accidently exposes him. Then Toomes would bring him back here. I couldn't live with myself if Peter got hurt by Toomes.

I leaned my head back on the beam and looked back at the ceiling. In less than two hours I'm going to be on a plane that leads me to my almost certain death. Hey, at least I'll probably find out my real past, right?

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