Chapter 17

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I sat against the glass in disbelief about what just happened. I didn't want to think about it. That will haunt me forever. My virginity was taken by a man who was given orders to do it from the man who murdered my family.

I literally felt no pain in my body. I was in such of a state of shock I didn't feel anything.

Every so often I would hear Ned in my ear piece asking what was wrong and what had happened. I just didn't respond. I sat in silence for a long time before the door opened.

I glared at Helgen as he closed the door behind him. He approached the glass and stared at me. He chuckled under his breath.

"Why the fuck are you laughing?" I spat.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Helgen laughs. I continued to give him a death glare. "So I'm guessing you didn't enjoy that?"

"Just leave me alone sicko."

"No, I swore to myself I would destroy you, and I its working, slowly," Helgen said.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I snapped. He gave me look of anger.

"You don't tell me what to do," He says.

"Spider-Man got out of here, he's going to SHEILD and in a matter of days, or even hours, they'll be here and your ass will be dead. Then we'll see who's laughing."

He just stares at me and nods his head.

"You know what I liked about your father?" He asks. I just stare at him. "His sarcastic sense of humor made me die of laughter. Your just like him you know? I bet you were close."

"We were."

"You both also look alike, I mean he was bald and you have hair but your faces are hauntingly similar."

"Do you regret it?"

"Regret what?"

"Being the person you are? Murdering and hurting hundreds of people?"

"Well I have once, but other then that once, no. Not at all," Helgen says.

"When did you regret it?" I ask. I don't care if I'm talking to him. I just want to make him feel bad about himself. He deserves it.

"Well, I've been apart of this organization since I was a little boy. My father was killed by SHEILD so I joined. Then my mother found out. I couldn't let her tell anyone..."

"You killed your mother?" I asked in disgust. He nodded his head.

"I was 13. She was a bitch to me, beat me. Gave me this scar," He said pointing to his eye. I glared at him.

"Interesting," I say. "So, what are you planning to do when SHEILD gets here?"

"Kill Spider-Man," He says darkly.

"You won't be able to kill him, he's much more powerful than you."

"But I beat him? Didn't I?" He asks before laughed, earning a glare from me.

"He's a hero, you're a villain, that's what makes him powerful, your weak," I say.

"You say that I'm weak now, but when I kill your boyfriend in front of you, you won't be saying that anymore," He laughs before turning around and leaving the room.


I sat against the glass for about an hour before I heard Ned.

"Veronica? Are you there?"

"Yeah. I am."

"What happened? Why were you screaming? Why wouldn't you answer my questions earlier?" Ned asks, frantically.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Why, what."

I cut him off.

"I said I don't want to talk about it."

"O-Okay I won't ask you again, they're on the way," Ned says.

"They are?" I ask, happily.

"Peter says they will be there soon, but they will be careful about entering."

"That's all I needed to know, they're coming. That's all that matters."

"Stay strong," Ned says.

"Thanks Ned."

Then I hear it lose signal again.

They're on the way. That's awesome. Better than awesome. Amazing. I just want to watch Helgen die.


I woke up to the sound of the door closing.

I sat up and looked around.

No one was in the room and no one was in the box with me. But then my eyes landed on a bag sitting in the middle of the box.

I scooted over to the bag and grabbed it. A note was taped onto the bag. I took the note off the bag and read it.

"Use this when you've had enough."

I stared at the note before putting it down and opening the bag.

My heart stopped.

It was a gun.

I took out the gun and stared at it.

They think I'm going to shoot myself with this? Funny.

I checked to see how many bullets were loaded. Two. Two bullets? Man, these people were stupid. If I were to shoot myself, I'd only need one.

Now I have a plan. A plan to get me out of my glass prison and avenge my family. All I need is two bullets. One bullet to break the glass and one bullet to go through Helgen.

I grip the gun in my hand and stare down at it.

The thing that makes me the most upset was that he was going to let me kill myself. If he was going to torture me why would he give me this option?

Unless it wasn't Helgen who left this? Maybe someone else did.

I put the gun down and stood up. I could stand just fine. I didn't feel as week anymore. I still ached and hurt but not to the point where I couldn't stand.

"Ned?" I asked, hoping that he could hear still.

"Yes?" I hear a static response.

"Tell Peter I got a plan, tell him I have a gun and I'm going to use it."

Caught In A Web (Peter Parker/Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now