Chapter 9

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I was standing in the dark. It wasn't long until I wasn't in the dark anymore. I was standing in the hallway of a hospital. I looked around me. It had some patients walking in the hallway and some nurses were scattered through out the hall.

Where was I?

I looked over and saw a little girl, sitting next to her father. She had chocolate brown hair and brown eyes. She had a pink dress on with light up sketchers. I smiled to myself seeing the adorable little girl. Her father looked a lot like her, they had the same face, except he was bald and had glasses.

The more I looked at the little family, the more I recognized them.

I looked at the door next to me, which had a mirror on it. Looking at me, I was in the clothes I was wearing when I passed out. I was covered in cuts, bruises and ashes. My arm had a huge chunk out of it, from when I pulled out the tracker.

I looked back at the little girl then back at the mirror.

The little girl was me. I was having a memory, but it was different. I could see myself. I looked back at the two. That was my father. I felt myself tearing up.

I walked over to them and watched them. I guess they couldn't see me, since I wasn't actually there in front of them.

"Are you excited to meet you're new little brother, Veronica?" My father asked the young me.

"Can we name him Max? I really want to name him Max!" My younger self pleaded. I laughed to myself at my younger self's reaction to the question.

"Veronica, you're seven, you don't make that decision, me and mommy do," He said before he got a call.

"Work, daddy?" My younger self asked. My father nodded his head and took the call. I followed him.

"What is it, I told you not to call me when I'm not online," He said into the phone. What was he talking about? "My wife is about to give birth, Helgen can wait."

My heart stopped. Helgen. I knew that name, a name I haven't thought about for a while. Helgen is the leader of HYDRA.

"No, S.H.E.I.L.D has no idea, they're too concerned about the upcoming war with the alien things," He said into the phone. "I'm only doing this for my family."

He then hung up the phone and returned to the bench with my younger self. I felt myself crying. My father worked for HYDRA? Was he a double agent? What was going on?

"Daddy, why are you talking on the phone when mommy is about to give birth?" My younger self asked.

"I had to take it, it was important, but now I'm done," He said. Then a doctor came out of the room across from the bench, quickly.

"Mr. Taylor, we need your assistance immediately," The doctor said in a panic. My father got up and walked to the room quickly.

My younger self got up from the bench and walked to the open door and looked inside. I watched as well. It was my mother, lying on the medical bed, not moving.

"Trisha, Trisha?!" My father yelled. He then started to cry.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Taylor, you're wife passed along with the baby," The doctor said. My face the was drowned with tears. I covered my mouth with my hand as I looked down at my younger self. I was standing at the door. Tears running down my little face. She then ran into the room, sobbing and grabbing on to our dead mother.

"MOMMY!" She wailed as she clawed at her hospital gown. My father cried as well.

Next thing I know everything started to mutate and change. I was no longer staring at my dead mother and dead baby brother, I was standing in that box once again.

I was crying in the box. I was standing staring out at Helgen. He was staring at something that I couldn't see. He moved over, to reveal my father. Bound and beaten.

"Dad? DAD!" I screamed as I started to pound on the glass. Helgen looked at me and back at my father.

I continued to beat on the glass until aa gun was spotted in Helgen's hand. I stopped and glared at him.

"David Taylor, you were hired to get information from S.H.E.I.L.D to bring to us, so that we could bring those fools down. Instead, you betray us and do the opposite. You brought our information to them! For that we kidnapped your daughter and demanded you betray them, but what did you do?! YOU GAVE THEM OUR COORDINATES! For that you old bastard, you will die as your pathetic daughter watches," Helgen yells as he holds up a gun to my fathers head.

"NO! NO! STOP! KILL ME INSTEAD! NO! DADDY!" I screamed as I pounded on the glass creating a cut to form on my hands, causing blood to be smeared on the glass.

My father looked at me.

"Veronica Michelle Taylor, I'll be with your mother and brother, Max," He said. I felt more and more tears run down my face, I wanted him to be named Max. I always wanted him to be Max. "I love you."

The Helgen pulled the trigger, killing my father.

At that moment. Everything was silent. I screamed out and fought against the glass. I couldn't hear anything but I could tell what was going on.

Then I felt someone grabbing me. I could hear again and I heard complete chaos. I heard gunshots and cries of pain. The person then injected something into me, I then turned to face whoever injected me with the shot. It was Helgen.

"We will be back for you, Veronica Taylor," I hear Helgen say before everything goes dark.


I wake up in a hospital room.

I sat up in the bed. I looked around the room. I looked down and saw my arm wrapped in, now, bloody medical wrap. I see Peter, sitting in the chair next to the bed, staring at me. I stared at him in fear. I feel a tear run down my face. He immediately gives me a look of concern.

"Veronica, you're okay! What's wrong?" He asks as he stands from the chair and walks to the side of the bed.

"Peter, I-I remember. I remember everything," I paused then looked at him. "My name is Veronica Michelle Taylor. I'm fifteen years old. I had a family. A mother, a father, and a baby brother. My mother died when I was seven, with my baby brother during child birth. My father worked for HYDRA as a double agent, but ended up betraying HYDRA by siding with S.H.E.I.L.D for my safety. HYDRA found out and kidnapped me. They told my father that if he wanted me unharmed, he would betray S.H.E.I.L.D. But he did the opposite, he gave them the HYDRA coordinates. The leader of HYDRA, Helgen sent people after my dad, then brought him to where they were torturing me. They shot him, in front of me. Before they shot him my father told me he would be okay, that he would be with my mother and brother. He said they were going to name him Max, the name I wanted to name him. After he was shot, the Avengers came in, but before they could get to me, Helgen injected me with something that caused the Amnesia. Then Mr. Stark found me, that leads us to now."

I stared at the bed sheets of the hospital bed before I felt Peter's arms wrap around me into a hug. I hugged him back. I felt Peter kiss the top of my head. I looked up at him. We started to lean into each other.

We then kissed.

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