Chapter 38

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Anger and fear was pulsing through my veins. Why would they take May? How could they take May? I was upset, but Peter was both heartbroken and furious.

I sat next to the upset Peter and rubbed his back. He was close to sobbing, he was so angry. He was staring at the note.

"Why can't we just have one good night?" He said between sobs. I continued to rub his back.

"I don't know, I don't know," I say. He then sits up and looks at me. His eyes are now bloodshot. I feel terrible for him.

"I just want it all to stop," He says.

"It can't Peter, and it won't. You're Spiderman," I say. He calms down and nods his head.

"I know, I just wish it would all stop, just for a week, or even just a day, a world with no evil and hate," He says.

I gently take the note out of his hands and re-read it again.

"Damn this man and his addresses," I mumble staring at the new address on the note.

"You're right, he can never just settle down somewhere," Peter weakly laughs. I smile weakly at him.

"You have to save her," I say.

"I know," Peter says. "And this time, I'm not sure if you should go with me." I give him a confused and irritated look. "I mean I really want you to go! It's just that, what if the Mangler succeeds in killing you?"

I guess he was right, but I didn't want him to be right.

"Actually," Peter says. "No, you're coming with me, no, UGH!" He groaned.

"I'll do whatever you want me to do Peter," I say quietly. He looks at me and gives me an uneasy look.

"Okay, Okay, come with me, but I want you to stay away from the Mangler, I don't even know where he is," Peter says.

"Well wherever it is, I'm sure its abandoned," I say. He nods his head.

"I bet."

"Alright, suit up Peter," I say before he runs into his room.


Just as I thought, the system in Peters suit led us to an abandoned barn in the middle of the woods. It was a large barn, but it was super sketchy.

I had a hoodie on that covered my face so that May wouldn't see me.

Peter swung us up to the top of the barn and we landed next to a hole in the ceiling. A dim light was coming from inside the barn. We both looked down at the inside of the barn, thanks to the hole we could see everything in there.

I could see the Mangler pacing the floors. He was waiting for us to arrive. He was ready for the final showdown. I could tell. He also had gloves on, probably so he wouldn't decay every single thing his touched.

Then I heard Peter lightly gasp. I looked over in the direction of where Peter was looking and saw May.

She was tied to a chair and looked like a mess. Her hair was messy and I could tell she had been crying. She was thrashing around in the chair, violently. She had a gag in her mouth, I bet from her crying so much.

I see the Mangler starting to walk over to her. Peter tenses up next to me. He looks over at me.

"Stay up here," He whispers as he puts on his mask. I nod. Then just as the Mangler was beginning to raise his hand to slap May, Peter jumped down into the barn and landed behind the Mangler. The Mangler turned and laughed.

"Well look who it is," He laughs. He isn't wearing his mask, so I can see a huge stupid smile on his face.

"Let the woman go," Peter says lowering his voice so May wouldn't recognize his voice. I could hear May trying to talk, but was muffled.

"We were just about to begin the fun, glad you did exactly what I thought you would do," The Mangler says.

"What?" Me and Peter say at the same time. Then I feel painfully familiar arms grab me. I scream as I came face to face with Helgen.

"!" He laughs in his strong German accent as he pushes me through the hole. I scream as Helgen grabs my hand and dangles me over the edge.

I look down to see Peter looking up at me. I see that May is also looking at me, but confused as to who I was.

"You have a choice!" The Mangler says to Peter as he walks over to May. He then removes one of his gloves. "You either save the women here or save your little girlfriend, you choose, your time is running out."

I look back at Helgen, whose grip on my hand was loosening.

"Save her!" I yell.

"What about you!" I hear Peter yell up.

"I'll be fine! Save her!" I yell as I started to slip from Helgens grip.

"Times up."

Then Helgen let go of me. I screamed as I fell, expecting the impact to be horrible. But it wasn't. I was caught by Peter.

I looked at him with widened eyes.

"NO! NO! NO!" I hear Helgen scream in anger.

"No! Why did you save me!" I said as I looked over at May and Mangler. He then grabbed Mays face. May screamed out bloody murder as her face started to turn dark. Peter quickly and gently placed me down and started to attacked the Mangler.

I quickly stood back, not wanting to interfere. But then the Mangler touched Peter. I hear Peter scream out in pain and drop to the ground.

"NO!" I scream and run towards the Mangler. I then kicked him straight in the chest, hard, causing him to fall back, hopefully knocking the wind out of him.

He then quickly gets back up and launches himself as me. I move away quickly but feel horrible pain on my leg, he touched me, but barely.

I kept in the scream as I grabbed my leg in pain.

Then Peter was up and at my side before full on beating the Mangler. I looked over to see May in a horrible state, she was unconscious, I'm sure due to the pain. It was spreading and quick.

I then had an idea, not a good idea, but it was an idea.

I ran over to where the two were fighting and gabbed the Mangler's wrist. I then make him touch his own screwed up face.

He then pulls away from the two of us and grips his head, but makes it worse by doing so. He could die at his own touch.

He was screaming out cries of pain. He stumbled over and continued to grip his face. Me and Peter watched him slowly die.

"No more," I mumble.

Then after a few more moments he was completely decayed.

"You did it," I said. I looked over at him happily. "He's gone!"

"No, we did it," Peter says as he grabs my hands. I smile at him before I hear something loud and I feel immense pain in my back.

I gasp loudly as the pain became unbearable. I touched my back. I looked at my hand that was covered in my blood.

I look at a horrified Peter.

"Oh God, I'm bleeding," I say before Peter quickly detaches from me and attacks Helgen, webbing him down. I weakly turn and see Helgen being beaten.

I could hear his sick and twisted laugh.

My vision started to become fuzzy and blurry. No, no, no. Stay awake. No, Veronica, you cant die now. No don't do this to him.

I feel tears arise in my eyes and start to fall as Peter finishes beating up Helgen. He looks over at me.

"Oh God, I'm dying," I say before I feel myself falling over.

The last thing I heard before I passed out was,

"Starks coming, you'll be okay. Please be okay! I love you!"

Caught In A Web (Peter Parker/Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now