Chapter 19

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Stark found us about ten minutes after Peter was stabbed. Peter became unconscious just before Stark came in with other SHEILD agents.

Peter and I were separated and taken with paramedics back to Avengers headquarters. I was taken to a hospital room and was bandaged and stitched up. I watched as the nurses cleaned my open wounds and wrapped them up.

I watched as the words, daughter of the traitor, disappeared from my sight. I still couldn't process that these marks would be on my skin forever. The HYDRA symbol was still on my arm but it wasn't blistered after they cleaned it and wrapped a bandage around it.

They stitched the open wounds all over my arms and legs. I was a mess, but I didn't really feel any of it. I was so scared about Peter I didn't feel any pain when thinking about him.

Before the nurses were finished checking for more wounds I remembered about the rape. I swear if I'm pregnant...

"Um mam?" I asked a nurse. She looked at me.


"Uh, do you uh," I mumbled trying to find the words. She stared at me. "U-Um, I-I was r-raped."

Her eyes widened and she gasped. The other nurses gasped as well.

"Oh my goodness! Marcie get a pregnancy test!" The nurse called to another nurse.

Okay good.


After taking the pregnancy test, I relieved to see that it was negative. The nurses let me go see Peter. It had been a couple of hours, so maybe he'd be awake.

I walked down the long hospital wing hallway to the room Peter was in.

I opened the door and immediately saw a wide awake Peter. He was staring at the wall. He was in the hospital bed.

"Hey," I said. His head snapped in my direction. He smiled happily.

"H-Hey, glad to see your okay," He says, happily.

"I'm fine, I'm more worried about you," I said while approaching his bed. I sat on the end of the bed and grabbed a hold of his bed.

"I'm okay, it's almost healed," He says. He cleared his throat. "Ned told me after I escaped, he could hear you screaming and crying for about an hour straight. Screams and cries for someone to stop, what the hell was happening?"

I stayed silent. I was embarrassed to tell him. I mean who wouldn't be embarrassed to tell someone this information?

"I-I uh," I say, started to tear up thinking about it. Peter's grip on my hand tightened. He looked away from him and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath. "I was r-raped."

The room was silent for about a solid thirty seconds before Peter spoke up.

"What?" His voice cracked. I looked back at him, feeling tears running down my face.

"I was raped," I said again. He started to tear up.

"A-Are you-"

"No, no. I took a pregnancy test, thank god it came back negative."

Peter pulled me up to him. I laid down next to him and he wrapped his arms around me. I put my head into his chest. He was wearing a hospital gown.

"I won't let anyone touch you ever again, I promise," I hear Peter say.

"Please," I say wrapping my arms across his torso. He kissed the top of my head. I felt more tears roll down my face. I then had a moment of realization. "When's May getting back?"

"Three days."

"Oh shit! What will she say when she see's us like this?" I say looking up at him. He bit his lip, realizing May would flip her shit seeing us, let alone Peter, all torn up.

"Uhh, maybe Mr. Stark can let us stay till we look beter?" He says.

"Yeah maybe till you do, but I don't have special healing stuff in me like you do."

"Once again, Stark can help us out with that."

I bit my lip.

"Okay, but I don't want to be away from you," I say. He pulls me into him more, if that's even possible.

"You're with me now, and that's all that matters right now."

"You're right," I say and nuzzle my head into his chest.

"I wonder what will happen to that bastard Helgen," Peter mumbles as he rests his chin on the top of my head.

"I hope he's on death row," I say in all seriousness. Peter chuckles. I feel the vibration on the top of my head.

"Me too," Peter says.


I guess I fell asleep because I woke up to the sound of the door opening. I look over to see Stark closing the door behind him.

I hear Peter grunt as he awakens by the noise.

Stark walks over to us and stares at us.

"Good morning Mr. Stark?" Peter says.

"Do you two have brain cells?" He asks.

"I thought I did," I say, sarcastic.

"What the hell where you thinking letting them kidnap you?!" Stark snapped.

"Well I was hoping that I could get information to you all here, then we could beat them, and hey! We did!" I said.

"Sure they are off the radar right now, but look what happened in the process! You and Peter were beaten almost to death! Peter was stabbed! You were marked with the HYDRA symbol and carved into! You also were raped! The fucker that did that too you is dead by the way," Stark yells. I cowered into Peters chest more. "But, you did shoot Helgen, and that was badass."

"I thought it was badass," I mumbled to myself. "Where is that sicko?"

"Prison, high security, he wont be seeing the sun ever again."

"No death row?" I say disappointed.

"No, but you did leave him injured. Badly injured," Stark says and then laughs. "He said that you stomped on the bullet wound and pressed down."

"Yeah, I did. Someone's done that to me and it felt like death, so I decided to give him a taste," I said.

"Well, when May gets back she'll freak out seeing you like this so Peter, just tell her that Veronica will be here longer than we thought," He said to Peter before looking at me. "You can stay in a room here."

I nodded my head.

"Well Peter, your wound seems to be almost healed so your free to leave whenever you feel like you can," Stark says before walking back to the door.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark. For everything," Peter says. Stark opens the door.

"No problem kids," He says before walking out of the room, leaving us alone again.

I then felt Peter lift my right arm. The one carved into. He takes off the bandage and stares at the letters carved into my arm.

"Daughter of a traitor," He reads out loud, quietly. "This is what he was doing when you told me to go, wasn't it?"

I pulled my arm away and wrapped it back up in the bandage.

"Yeah," I said. "But they got it wrong. They said daughter of a traitor, it's suppose to say daughter of a hero."

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