Chapter 24

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A couple days had gone by since me and Peter had figured out the patern with the black van. Sadly he was at school. He had to go. I wonder if I should go to school? I remember going to a school before all of this, but vaguely.

I guess I didn't get my full memory back. I don't remember any of my schools from the past. All I remember is my old friend, Jasper. He was my best friend til I went missing. I bet he thinks I'm dead. I remember having the biggest crush on that kid.

Welp, now I live a different life.

My cuts and bruisies were almost completely faded. The bruises were on their final stages of being bruises, which was pretty great. It felt great too.

Sitting alone in my room at Avengers upstate sucked. I had a phone, sure, but nothing was interesting. I wanted Peter.

I was lying on the bed staring up at the ceiling, when my door opened. I turned my head and looked over to see Peter, with his bookbag, he came all the way upstate from school. I smiled at him as he put his stuff down.

"Hey," I said. He smiled as he approached the bed.

"Hey," He said before laying down on the bed next to me. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it as we both stared up at the ceiling.

"You figure out anything else about the creep?" I ask, referring to the Mangler.

"No, but, I was invited to a Halloween Party, you want to go?" He asks me. I look over at him and smile.

"Yeah! That would be fun," I said. "Halloween night?"

"Halloween night," He confirms. "A week from today."

"Ugh, why does Halloween have to be on a Tuesday?" I asked annoyed. He shrugs.

"No one can control that," He says.

"I know, I just don't want to believe that," I mumble. He laughs. I turn to my side and look at him. He turns to his side and looks at me. I rest my head on my arm. "So, I have an idea."

"And what is that idea?"

"Well, you used a tracker on me and those guys back when Toomes was a thing right?" I ask. He nods his head. "Well, you can use a tracker on the Mangler dude. You just got to find that black van, I mean the license plate is in one of the pictures in that News Article."

"That's a great idea, but the only way I could find his van is when it's parked and whenever it's parked, and whenever it's parked he kidnaps another person, and I couldn't handle the thought of this creep kidnaping another person," He says. He sighs then closes his eyes. "But is it means I could stop this guy, It's worth it."

I smile at him.

"Good choice Peter," I say and scoot towards him and kiss him. He kisses back. I pull back and smile at him. "Do you want to start looking for the creep?"

He nods his head getting up from the bed. I still lay on the bed watching him move towards his bookbag. I then sit up and hop off the bed. He pulls out his suit from his bag. He takes off his shirt and then his pants. I feel the blush rise to my cheeks, even though I've seen him change before, but the fact he did it with no problem flattered me.

He then, sadly, slipped his suit on and pressed the spider button on his chest, tightening the suit. He looked so good without his mask on, something about the combo was great. He walked over to me and embraced me in a hug. I hugged him back.

"You still got your earpiece?" He asks me, not breaking the hug.

"Yeah," I said.

"Good," He says. "I'll be talking to you while I'm out."

"Okay," I say before he pulls away from the hug. He leans down and kisses me before exiting my room.

I stared at the open door. I walked over to it and shut it.

I went and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Nothing was on except the news, as usual. The news anchor was talking about the missing children. The count went up to a total of 15 missing people overall. 12 are children.

It was sickening that children were being taken. Mostly children. Why were children being taken in the first place? Why? Did this man have a horrible childhood like Helgen did? I shuttered even thinking about his name. Glad that prick will rot in prison, then hell.


"Veronica?" I hear in my ear. I jump, looking around the room. I swore I was alone, then I realized it was Peter.

"Oh, hey? Is something happening?" I asked. I stood up from the couch.

"Uh yeah. I just found the van, parked a block away from a crowded playground," He said, uneasily. I sighed, knowing there was going to be another child added to the count of missing children and adults.

"Hurry and place the tracker on the van," I said. I hear a shooting noise, then realize he shot the tracker.

"Got it, I'm going to stay and scope this out," I hear him stay.

"Alright, just keep me updated," I said.


About ten minutes later I hear yelling in my ear.

"Hey! BUDDY!" Peter yells. Oh shit. I jump up. It was also loud and deafening in my ear.

"Peter?! What are you doing?!" I question. I get no response. I then hear crying. A child's cry. "Peter? What's happening?"

"The oh so famous Spider-Man is here child," I faintly hear a creepy voice say in the background. My eyes widen even more, if that's even possible.

"Peter get the kid out of there!" I almost yell.

I hear a shooting noise of Peters web.

"GO! GO BACK TO YOUR MOM!" I hear Peter yell. I hear a roar of laughter before I hear a blast. Then I hear wind and then nothing.

"Peter?" I ask. I hear nothing. "PETER?!' I yell.

I then hear a car driving away. The van.

"PETER?! DO YOU HEAR ME?! PETER?!" I screamed as I paced around the room, worried. Then I hear coughing. "Oh my God Peter! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, the guy had a weapon thing like Toomes did, like alien technology, Toomes must have sold him weapons," Peter says.

"And the kid?" I asked, worried.

"Safe, running back to the playground right now," He says. I sigh in relief.

Things start to get worse and worse.



So, what should Veronica and Peter go to the Halloween party as? I have an idea, but I want to hear some suggestions.

Caught In A Web (Peter Parker/Tom Holland)Where stories live. Discover now