Chapter 16

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WARNING: Mentions of rape, just letting you know.

I woke up hours later, still near Peter. His wounds were already healing. Wow. The cuts and bruises on his face were faded and almost healed.

I wish I could do that.

I put my hand over the bloody handprint Peter accidently left. I then leaned my head against the glass. I stared at the sleeping Peter. He looked so peaceful somehow. He knows he's a captive but he knows he can escape, so he's not worried.

I smiled at his sleeping figure.

Then the door opened. I my head snapped towards the light that was now flooding into the room. It was Helgen. Perfect.

I weakly stood up from my spot and made my way to the side Helgen was approaching.

"I heard you don't like what we did to the boy," Helgen laughs. I glare at him.

"He has nothing to do with this you prick," I mumble. Helgen laughs again and approaches the glass. He stares at me for a moment. He then laughs again and smirks.

"You keep talking like that, what's about to happen will only get worse."

"What?" I mumbled as I backed away from the glass. He then took out a switchblade out from his waistband. The same switchblade he cut my forehead with last time I was with him. "Your going to cut me again?"

"You can say that, but worse," He says before pushing a button, causing the glass box to open for a split second as he walks in then leaves.

I look over at Peter. He's awake and silently observing what's happening. He gives me a look of horror before looking over at the wide open door.

The idiot didn't close the door this time.

Before I can signal Peter to go, I'm pushed to the ground, knocking the wind out of me. I look back at Helgen as he straddles me. I start to kick at him, but fail. He then pins my right arm down. With my free arm I start to claw at him, but he doesn't flinch.

I look over at a horrified Peter, he was standing at the glass now, his fists pounding at the glass. I then felt a horrible pain coming from my arm.

I scream out in pain, my voice was hoarse from screaming and crying so much.

He was cutting into my arm. I look at Helgen as I saw him carving letters into my skin. I look back over at Peter and try to focus on him so I wouldn't lose my voice all the way. He just kept pounding on the glass.

I felt tears running down my face.

This was the perfect chance for him to escape. Helgen was distracted.

"GO! NOW!" I scream. Peter looks at me with an uneasy look before putting his mask on. He looked back at me before running out of the room.

I smiled as I watched him leave. He was going to save everyone.

The pain was bearable now. I sat in silence and silently cried as he continued to cut into me. I was just happy he got away.

Then he stopped about ten minutes later. He got up and examined me before grinning. I just gave him a blank, cold stare. I then laughed. His smirk faded into a look of confusion.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" He spat. I laughed again.

"Your dumbass didn't close the door," I laughed. He then looked over to where Peter was and saw he was gone. He the growled and gave me the look of death. That's when his foot collided into my stomach several times, leaving me weak.

He opened the box again and closed it after he quickly walked out. He turned to me and pointed at me.

"Your boyfriend will die," He roars. I laughed weakly.

"I think you'll die first asshole."

"I'll kill him in front of you," He growls before exiting the room and closing the door. I just laid on the ground. Not moving.

I eventually sat up, my stomach ached in pain, so did my arm. I raised my right forearm to see what he had carved.

"Daughter of the traitor," I mumbled, reading it out loud. It was barely bleeding. Great another scar I will never be able to get rid of.

"Ned? Peter?" I said quietly, hoping my earpiece was working.

"Veronica!" I hear Ned exclaim happily. "Are you okay?? What's been happening?"

"Uh, he carved the words, Daughter of the traitor, in my arm. I think he broke my ribs and I had to see a beaten up Peter, but I other than that I'm having a swell time," I say sarcastically.

"Oh my god," Ned gasps. "I know Peter escaped, he is talking to me right now on his phone, his earpiece was destroyed. He says he's on his way to Stark and he feels so bad about leaving you."

"Tell him to not be sorry and that its for the best of everyone," I say.

"He says he loves you," Ned says.

"I love him too," I say.


I guess I passed out because next thing I know I was waking up to the sound of footsteps. I looked over towards the door to see a man standing there.

He wasn't saying anything. Just staring at me.

"Can I help you?" I say sitting up. He smirked while examining me.

"Yeah you can," He says approaching the glass. I gave him a strange look. What was he talking about? I was being sarcastic.

"With what?"

"Helgen gave me permission to do this, it's part of his process of destroying you," The man says while pressing a button, opening the box. He walks in and closes it.

"Wait? What? What are you doing?" I asked as he approached me. I started to scoot away from him as I felt him grab my legs and pull me towards him.

Then I realized what he was doing.


No way.

These bastards are sick.

"W-WAIT! NO WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS! N-NO!" I screamed as he climbed ontop of me. He pinned my hands over my head.

This was worse then all the beatings.

All the scars.

This man was going to rape me.


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