22. Girlz Night

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Laura's POV

Tonight it's girls night, and i'm excited. We are gonna talk so much! We have to tell each other very much. And ofcourse about LOVE! Ya know Rydellington ;-) And i have to find out if Vanessa likes Riker! I promised so i'm going to do that. But i have to spread the information with my other agents so.... I send a text on a groupchat i make and it calls: OPERATION 5203! (That our code name for: THE'RE IS LOVE! AND WE HAVE TO FIX IT!)

~ OPARATION 5203! ~ (LM = Laura Marano - RL= Rydel Lynch - RR = Raini Rodriguez)

Agent LM: Agents we have somebody in love problems! The name is Riker Anthony Lynch. He is in love with Vanessa Marano but don't know if she likes him!

Agent RL: Ohh is my bro in love?

Agent LM: Yes!

Agent RR: Okay what's the plan?

Agent LM: Since me and Rydel have boyfriends, we are ofcourse gonna talk about boys and love so we have to find out carefully with questions or anything else if Vanessa likes Riker.

Agent RL: This is a typical love situation, has to be easy!

Agent RR: We'll see

Agent LM: Well i tried it but she (i think) lied.

Agent RL: This is going to be fun haha

Agent RR: Ow yeah, see ya 2night!

Agent LM: See ya!

Agent RL: See ya 2night

Rydel's POV

Okay this is gonna be a fun night. I love to help people woth there love problems haha. And it's Riker! I didn't even thought about it that he would like Vanessa. But it would be a super cute couple! Then i only have to do Rocky and Ryland haha ;-)

Raini's POV

I LOVE THIS SITUATIONS. Rinessa? Really? That's just perfect! The names says it all!

Laura's POV

I hope Vanessa likes him...

OMG i hope so tooo x I try to wright as much as i can soo Please comment or vote

- Greet

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