38. The Park

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Vanessa's POV

We all just woke up not that happy. We are now eating and deciding how we are gonna find Laura. My grandma and grandpa are working with friends in some garden from some dude i forget the name of because they like that. But we are deciding how we are gonna find Laura.

"I think we have to split up." i say and Rydel nodded and say.

"Yes girls and guys!!!"  Rydel says

"Hey!!" Riker and Ratliff say sad.

"Sorry sweetie!!" Rydel say.

"But Rydel, Raini and me go together and Riker, Ross and Ratliff together?" i ask and i look at really, Raini looks sick.

"Raini are you okay?" i ask.

"No i feel sick, i stay home okay? Maybe she will come here." Raini say and we all nodded.

"Okay so it's just me and Rydel and the boys?"

"Jepp!" Rydel say and we walk out. Ross walks towards Raini.

"Get well soon!" And he gives her a really sweet cheek kiss.

"Thanks" she says and lays down on the couch.

"O-kay let's go." Ratliff say and we are starting walking.

Ratliff's POV

I think about the cheek kiss from Ross and Raini. It was weird. I'll ask Riker what he thought.

"Riker?" i say quiet.

"Yeah?" he says quiet to.

"Do you think it was weird that Ross kissed Raini on the cheek?"

"Yeah it was weird, let's ask him why he did it." and we walk to him.

"Ross?" i ask.

"Whassup?" he says confused.

"Why...um..why did you kiss Raini on the cheek?" i ask

Riker say "Yeah we are here to find you're girlfriend and then you're hooking up with someone else. That's rude!"

"WOAH, guys i didn't hook up with her!!"

"Yeah sure!" Riker says.

"No i REALLY didn't!!!! Look i will explain. I was really down last night and i was blaming myself and Raini calmed myself down and then she gived me a kiss on the cheek and i really needed that. And now she is sick and i wanna give her extra power so that's why i give her a kiss, no big deal!"

"Okay, that totally makes sence!" And we continue our walk.

Rydel's POV

We are walking around but still no Laura. We are already walking for 2 hours and i and I slowly start to lose my patience. But i still have good hope. I guess. Vanessa was holding here hands on here stomach. It looks weird.

"Vanessa are you okay?" i ask

"Yeah, just a i'm starving. I guess. My stomach hurts."

"Okay well, i see a park in the distance, maybe there is some food truck or something." i say and she nodded.

"Yeah good idea." so we walk further.

Riker's POV

"Are you guys starving too?" i ask.

"Yeah a little bit." Ross says.

"Yeah me too." Ratliff says.

"Do any of you have money, because i don't" i say

"Well, let's see" Ratliff's say and took his wallet out his pants. "i have 12 dollars"

Ross looks in his wallet too. "I have 9 dollars."

"Well let's go find a store and buy some food." i say

"Yes, good idea. But we have to watch out!" Ross says

"For what?" Ratliff says.

 "Well if the Italian paparazzi sees us then they wanna know why we are in Italy, and then we have to explain everything about Laura and Maia. I don't wanna do that"

"Good point." i say. "Let's just watch out!"

"Alright let's go!" Ratliff says and we are looking for stores.

Vanessa's POV

Me and Rydel are walking and see a park and go to there. We see a foodtruck with all kinds of sandwiches.

"Let's go get a sandwich, maybe my stomach doesn't hurt then anymore." i say and Rydel nodded.

"Good idea!" She says and we walk to the foodtruck and both get a hamsandwich with a dilicious sauce!

"OMG that's sauce is amazing!!" Rydel says with her mouth full of sandwich and that makes me laugh.

"Yeah i know. But how are you and Ellington doing?" i ask

"Really good. He is my everything! He is sooo sweet and kind and funny and most of all dorky!" she says and that makes me laugh again. "And i am soooo glad that Riker excepts it that me and Ellington are dating and i think we will never ever brake up!!" she says with blushing cheeks.

"Aww that's soooo sweet, but what do you mean with 'i'm gald that Riker excepts it?'"

"Well because, Riker is really overprotective to me sometimes because i'm his little sis and his best friend and he don't wanna loose me i guess."

"But you would never leave Riker right?" i say.

"NO ofcourse not!!" she says. "You aren't too right?" she ask

"No never i love him sooooo much and i wanna spend my whole life with him!"

"AWWW THAT'S SO SWEET VANESS!! I'M SOO GONNA PLAN YOU'RE WEDDING!!! With blue flowers and pink flowers and swe..."


"Okay okay, but you want to right?" she ask with a really weird face.

"I guess so, but i like suprises soo yeah we'll see." i say and i feel that my stomach hurts again.

"Does you're stomach still hurt?" Rydel says.

"Yeah, but i think we should go searching for Lau-"

"VANESSA??? RYDEL???......................................"


TAM TAM TAM! Oh who is it, leave a comment below and vote!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!

greet x

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