53. Kiss?...

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Rocky's POV

We lean in...

What am i gonna do?

But it already happens.

My lips are on Skylar's

Before i can say anything, Skylar runs away. "Skylar, wait, i'm sorry!!" But she doesn't hear me. "Why do i have to mess everything!"

Skylar's POV

I just kissed Rocky! And honestly it was amazing, but we can't be together, that will ruin everything for his career. I can't do that to him. Soo i just run....


Run...... so i don't see Rocky again.

When i run i see Rydel looking worried at me. I stop running at i start crying. Rydel runs to me and gives me a hug. It may sound weird but i only met Rydel 15 minutes ago, i feel so good when i'm with her. 

"Skylar, what is going on?" She says while i'm hugging her.  "I kiss.....i kissed Rocky..." i say. I see Rydel's face getting really excited. "Really?!? That's AMAZING!! Why are you crying about that?" She asks me. "I can't be  with him Rydel. It will ruin everything for his career, and i can't do that to him." Rydel looks confused. "Skylar that is ridiculious." I look at her. "What do you mean Rydel?"

Ross' POV

I see Rocky standing with a dissapoited face. "Bro, what's going on?" He looks at me "I kissed her, i kissed Skylar, but she ran away." He said. "And now, she is gone. She was the one for me Ross, and now she's gone.

Rydel's POV

"Skylar, Rocky is not that kind of person. I didn't saw him this happy since years. Just because you came in his life." I say but she didn't believe me. "Are you serious?" Skylar asks. "Yes, go to him!" i say and she nods "Okay!"

Rocky's POV

"I love her Ross" i say. 

"I LOVE YOU TOO!!" i hear a girl say. I turn around and see Skylar standing there. She runs to me and kisses me. I kiss back. 


I love her soo much

Me And You (A Raura/Rydellington Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now