Chapter 1

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"Jesus Christ could it get any hotter?" I asked Jasmine as I was riding my bike home from school.

"Let's hope not" she laughed.

"I can't wait till I'm sixteen and I can get a nice car and not have to ride this crappy old bike" She nodded in agreement.

"Alright see ya later" she said turning down her street. Only one more block to go until I'm home. As I turned the corner I sighed relief when I saw my mothers car parked in the driveway. Mom was out late with another one of her 'dates.' She thinks finding me a father figure will help my so called 'bad attitude.' I honestly don't think I have that much of an attitude, but sense I got sent to detention for punching John in the nose, she thinks otherwise. Lemme tell ya though that kid had it coming he was bully and deserved it. My mom doesn't seem to believe my story, so she tries helplessly to get me some kind of father in my life which honestly I don't need. She goes out almost every other day of the week with a different guy and it worries me. Maybe I'm just over protective, but those guys could be murders and she would never know. My mothers a pretty and intelligent woman why can't she just find herself a nice steady guy with a nice income. Is that so hard? I still don't understand why my real dad left in the first place. When I bring it up to my mom she tells me he was a 'workaholic' or 'he went out hunting with his buddies too much.' I honestly don't think she's telling the whole truth. One day I'm gonna meet my real father and give him a piece of my mind, but as of right now I'm sitting in my dingy house with my depressed mother and douchebaggy boyfriends. I chained my bike up walking along the pavement to the front door. I grab the key in the plant unlocking the door and step into the nicely air conditioned house.

"Mom?" I yell.


She must be asleep. I ran into the kitchen grabbing a granola and running into my room to finish my homework. Once done I walk around the eerily silenced house.



I decided to walk in her room where I see her laying in her bed. I was relieved to see she wasn't murdered or something.

"Mom?" I whisper trying to wake her up. "Mom?"

I lifted up her covers to see blood splattered against the sheets.

"Mom?!" I scream. Tears flowing out of my eyes I spot a small tape recorder near her head. I grab it hitting play only to hear my mother's soft voice.

"Carson baby" she said with a shaky voice "I know if your hearing this I'm gone, and I need you to stay strong" she sniffled "baby I need you to go to my phone and call the contact 'Dean Winchester' he's your father. Don't call the cops, just him. Please I love you and I know he will keep you safe"

I replayed the message over and over pretending as if she were still here. I silenced my sobs and took a deep breath time to talk to my real father.

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