Chapter 11

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I don't own supernatural, but as of right now that show has emotionally scarred me because of the season 9 finale.


*one day later*

Carson's P.O.V

My stomach is burning inside and out. They didn't feel the need to clean up my badly damaged stomach and continue to give me no food or water. I can feel my tongue getting drier and drier, but yet there is nothing I can do. My only hope rests in the hands of my fath- Dean Winchester. Honestly, I have came to the conclusion that they may not be coming, they may not find me, I may just die down here.


Dean's P.O.V

"Dammit Sammy we need to find her" I plead as Sam researches on his computer. We were currently sitting in a small, fairly empty diner waiting for our food.

"I understand, but sitting here and nagging about it isn't going to help." He explained.

"Yea I know , but what can I do?" I've never said this before, but for once I feel... almost... useless.

I couldn't protect her like her father should.

Sam then looked up from his computer "honestly, our best plan may be to summon a demon and try to get as much information out of it as possible."

"That's it? that's our grand master plan? Carson's life relies on a demon?" I question harshly.

"Got a better idea?" he asks raising his eyebrows.

"I mean, no, but-"

"Look, I have to go the the bathroom I will be back" Sam hopped up and walked into the back towards the bathrooms.

"Bacon cheeseburger for Mr. Dean Winchester" a skinny waiter with long blonde hair walked up to the table.

"Yeah thank- wait how do you know my name?" I reach for my knife in my pocket as I watch a wicked smirk widen across her face and before I knew it I felt something large hit the back if my head.

and then it all went black.


Carson's P.O.V

I awake with my vision blurred, my first thought was questioning how much blood had I lost. I shake my head as much possible trying to clear my vision. Once able to see straight again my eyes narrow on a man in the corner of the room. Is that?

"Dean?" I whisper loudly. I saw the man flinch and then look up in my direction, blood was dried on his face.

"Carson? Carson are you okay?" he said back. It was Dean! he did come, he didn't leave me!

"I uh I'm pretty cut up, lost a lot of blood" I say.

"I see you two have been acquainted again" I eerie voice came out of the shadows. The same woman from before came out.

"Why do you have him?" I harshly ask at the woman.

"Well you see my darling Carson, torture, it didn't exactly work on you. We thought and thought and finally came up with an answer. Since torture didn't make you tick we thought 'hmm maybe she's just like her father' I mean after all you are a daddy's girl." Her voice sent chills down my spine as her heels clicked repeatedly walking up to Dean. She picked Dean up by the collar and threw him to the floor, making it obvious he was weak.

"Carson it's gonna be okay" Dean said calmly looking up at me the best he could.

"Will it" the evil woman spoke and stepped down on Dean's wrist with her heals causing him to yelp a bit. She can't do this, she won't do this.

"Don't do this!" I plead.

She just let out a chuckle and walked over to her table of tools she had been relentlessly torturing me with. "I don't have to do this Carson, just come with us let us show you what your powers can do. I will let him go free." She smirked.

"What's the catch?" I say tempted to go with her. After all, Dean is more important than me.

"Don't do it Carson" Dean said hoarsely. Tears welded up in my eyes seeing him in pain.

"Shut up!" the woman snapped. I could feel my blood boiling up. I tighten my grip on the rope feeling my skin literally begin to heat up.

"I just want you to be okay Dean" I send him a sad look.

"Don't do i-" before he could finish the woman dug her heal into Deans neck making him yell.

"Stop it!" I scream.

"Then come with me" she insisted. I grew tense before I realize the rope becoming thinner and thinner. Am I breaking it? The rope snapped causing her to flick her head towards me.

"Oh your powers are stronger than I assumed" she smiled "oh this is good"

I stood up and at that time I realized I'm not controlling my actions. Am I... a monster?

I stand up making my way towards the woman. I stop dead in my tracks when I see Sam appear behind in the darkness. I gasp making her turn around, only to have Sam send a knife into her stomach. She fell to the ground mouth open yelling. Then there was me who seemed to come to my senses again. Dean looked at me, almost in fear... A headache Rushed into my brain.

I don't know if it was the lack of blood or me not controlling my own body, but darkness filled my eyes and I fell to the ground.


Awh snap.

Okay so who else watched the finale and flipped out? I won't spoil anything because I don't know if you all have seen it or not, but holy shit.

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