Chapter 12

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I apologize for my lack of ownership when it comes to Supernatural.

I opened my eyes to see an old wooden ceiling. I sat up, and put one hand on my head. It felt as if it was going to fall off it hurt so bad. I lean back on the couch and close my eyes hoping that it would make me feel better.

"You okay?" I hear Sam's voice from behind me.

"Yeah, uh, totally, but you wouldn't happen to have anything for headaches?" I question.

"Yeah let me go get it." he walks away and stops again "y'know Dean is in the kitchen"

"Yea I'll go see him in a bit." I reply and he nods and makes his way to the kitchen. Honnestly, I didn't want to talk to Dean about what happened because I wasn't even sure of it. One second I was sitting in the chair helpless, and the next I broke the rope and couldn't control myself. Sam walks back in the room with a glass of water and two pills.

"here these should help" he hands me them and sits the water down the table. I grab the water while swallowing the pills, while he retreats the kitchen.

I sat on the couch for about five minutes contemplating wheter I really wanted to go in there. Once I built up the courage I pushed myself off the couch and made my way to the kitchen. Before actually making my way through the doorway I heard Sam and Dean talking, so I decided

why not evesdrop?



"Your gonna need to talk to her at some point" Sam explained.

"I know it's just... she, she -"

"She's a kid" Sam cut me off "A confused one, and you're her father"

"Look I get it I'm her father, I'm forced to love her" I sigh in annoyance. "even if she is some kind of freak"

"Dean, it's not like this is her fault!" Sam gets louder. He was about to speak, but all of the sudden a look of, almost, guilt spread across his face. "Carson?" I stiffen up again when I realize she was listening.

"Carson?" I now say getting up. I turn the corner to see Carson with tears glistining on her cheeks. I go to grab her arm, but she backed away and looked at me with hurt in her eyes.

"And here I was thinking you actually cared for me, but no you were forced to like me" she sighed.

"I was just angry" I again go to grab her arm, but she backs into the wall.

"Just leave me alone" she walks around me and stops "and one more thing, you never were and never will be my father" she then began running.

"Carson!" Sam yelled.

"I'm going on a walk!" Her voice cracked a bit at the end as she slammed the door.

"What's going on?" Bobby ran out probably confused about the commotion.

"Dean, stay here with Bobby, I'm gonna go talk to her" Sam jogged out the room leaving me to think to myself.

I've been called a lot of things, but why did it hurt so bad. Those nine simple words were repeatedly ringing in my head.

you never were and never will be my father


Carson's P.O.V

I ran out the door with salty tears now straming down my face.

crying never solves anything I tell myself. I ran past the junkyard to find a grassy yard. My legs were sore, so I sat down staring at the sky. It was silent the birds were chirping and the wind blew against the old oak trees. I stared at the clouds in the sky trying to calm my nerves.

"Carson?" I jumped when I heard Sam saying my name.

"Go away" I sigh.

"We need to talk" He said completely ignoring my last statement.

"About?" I sigh "About how I'm a freak, about how no one will love me, about how badly my life is screwed up."

"Look, I know how you feel." He says sitting down next to me.

"how so?" I sniffle trying not to look him in the face.

"When I was younger I had something really bad happen to me involving a demon, it resulted into some stuff I can't say I'm proud of, when I was your age I knew there was something wrong with me, but everyday I'd push that to the back of my mind because my dying wish was to be a normal kid, but I knew that wasn't going to happen" He let out a sad sigh squinting as he stared at the sun ''My dad, well, he always chose Dean over me because Dean was okay with being a hunter, so I made a split desicion to leave for college and tried to start a new life." He said.

"Did it work?" I question curiously.

"If it did I wouldn't be here" He chuckled.

"So you just left to be a hunter again?" Why would he just leave again?

"Not exactly, Dean had me help him with a case near the college I was at" He said looking down.


"When it was over, I went back to see my girlfriend, Jessica, and she... she was dead" I could tell it was hard for him to share this information because he almost looked as if he hid these feelings under walls of 'tough guy' exterior.

"I'm sorry" I say finally looking up at him.

"Yeah well it's all in the past now" He said "are you ready to go back inside it's a bit eerie out here" He did his best to give me a smile even though I knew he was hurting because of the whole 'jessica' disscussion. We got up and began walking back to the house.

"yeah" I say "thanks Sam"

"No problem, it felt good to get all that out, it's weird when you keep all of these emotions bottled up and then just let them out"

"I completely understand, but I hope you don't expect me to go back in there and talk to Dean and make everything seem peachy." I say looking up at him.

"Not even a little bit" We both chuckle a bit and make our way back to the house.


Woah I passed over 1000 words on that chapter.

Anyways I really wanted to incorporate Sam in the story a bit more because you realize how much he does relate to Carson since they both aren't exactly normal. I hope you all like the story so far.

Also I would like you to know I appreciate all of the positive comments I've been getting on the story, and I really do love you guys because, honestly, I didn't think the story was gonna pass 1k.

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