Chapter 15

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Why don't I own Supernatural yet???

"go ahead explain!" he said trying to be calm, but I swear, he looked so red that if I would have tried to touch him I would have burned my hand. If this was a cartoon there would be steam coming out of his ears. "explain why you have the boy that you said you gave nothing to on the phone!"

"Well, uh, you see I may have given one teenie tiny thing" I smile innocently "my phone number but I-"

"No" he said loudly, though not quite a yell "you are...uh... you're grounded!"

I could tell he had no Idea what he was doing. "Go to your room!"

"I'm in my room" I say in a monotone voice.

"WELL, STAY IN YOUR ROOM" he boomed and slammed the door as he left.

Someone needs to take a chill pill. It was just a boy.



I was outraged. She repeatedly lied to me and disobeyed our rules.

Oh, for Christ's sake I sound like my god damn father.

I felt my phone start to buzz in my right pocket and quickly grab it to see Jason's name spread across screen.

I was angry and I was about to give this boy a piece of my mind "Look kid I-"

"C-Carson" he sounded shaken and had a low whisper "I need help. Someone's here Carson"

"Hello? who is there?" I ask.

"There's a man. Carson help please. I think he hurt my dad" He begged.

"Describe the man to me" I say calmly, all anger had rushed out of me.

"He has blonde hair, and I think I'm going insane." He was panicking and breathing heavily.

"Why do you think you going insane?" I question.

"His eyes. They are b-" I heard a scream and then it went silent. I heard someone fumbling the phone.

"You want the boy, you better come and get him" a deep now said.

"And what makes you think I want him? I asked harshly.

"Well, I don't think Carson would forgive her father for leaving little lover boy behind" I was now boiling over in anger.

"I swear to God you let him go or I-" The line went dead and I received a text containing a address.

"God dammit Carson!" I yelled and with all the built up anger swung ad hit a lamp.

This is why I told her not to get involved with him. Loved ones will be put in harms way.

I'm sorry she had to learn it the hard way.

"What?! it was just a phone call!" Carson stomped down the steps but froze when she saw my bloody knuckles and the broken lamp.

"Because of you" I spat angrily "that boy has been taken by god knows what"

"W..what?" by this time Sam and Bobby had made there way into the room.

"Jason! has been captured because of you!" I yell and Sam turns to Carson.

"Carson go upstairs while me and Dean talk" Sam said quickly. Carson just sighed and ran upstairs tears brimming in her eyes.

"Dean, what the hell?" Sam remarked.

"He was taken god dammit and they want Carson." I say quickly.

"Dean slow down" Bobby states "you're not making any sense"

"I found Carson talking to Jason upstairs, I took her phone only to get a call from a panicked Jason!" I explain "he was taken from the phone forcefully and a man came on the phone telling me that if we want him we gotta go get him"

Realization showed in both of their eyes and they were frozen.


Wasn't sure where to end this, so right here should suffice.

Sorry for the cliffy.

Shit is gonna get exciting next chapter. Trust me.

I love you guys!

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