Chapter 18

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I do not own Supernatural, but if I did destiel would be canon. Whoops.




Dean's P.O.V

It was almost as if everything was going in slow motion.

I needed to get back to the house, to my daughter. We all gathered in the car and I was speeding way over the actual speed limit. I needed to get to her.

The impala revved as I silently hoped that everything would be okay.

It felt as if I it was the longest drive of my life. Arriving at Bobby's, I quickly hopped out of the impala and raced towards the house.

"Carson?!" I screamed, but no answer "Carson?!" silence.

Quickly, I searched through the house and nothing looked too out of the ordinary, except the kitchen. There laid out neatly on the counter was a small, dirty note.

To whomever finds this note,

Dean? Sam? Bobby? if any of you are reading this I wanted to say thank you, but most importantly I'm sorry. Thank you for taking me in. I was just a child. what am I saying? I still am a child, but it seems I've found a better path. I could tell that none of you exactly enjoyed my company, but just tolerated it. I was a nuisance. I believe they can help me. They can help me control whatever this is inside of me. I'm doing what I have to do, I'm going with them. They promised to never bother you again, and I think they will stay true to my wishes. Even if they don't, I think y'all could take them. After all, you are some of the most badass hunters I've ever met. Honestly, I don't want you to come looking for me. It would only make things more complicated.

Yours truly,


I wanted to cry, I wanted to punch a wall, but most of all I wanted to go after her. She has no idea what she's doing...

She bought into their manipulation. She is too young and naive to realize they are going to torture her to get what they want.

"Where is she?" Sam and Bobby stumble into the room.

Without saying a word, I shoved the paper into Sam's chest and walked upstairs to her room. I needed to think.

Reaching my destination I began looking through her things curiously.

Peaking out from under her pillow were some papers. Snatching them, I realized they were drawings. Some of trees and scenery, but as I got to the last paper, I realized it was unfinished.

It was me and her

It was beautiful, more than most could do at her age.

I stood there gun in hand with the impala behind me along with her standing next to me looking up. My face was stern, and she looked up at me with a giant smile.

That's when I realized.

I was going to find her.

No matter how long it takes. Whether it takes 10 minutes, 10 days, 10 years. I would find her.

And I will protect her. Forever.


So I have a ending planned out already for the book, but I shall not give any spoilers (:

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