Chapter 13

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I do not own supernatural, but I do own lil ol' Carson Anderson.

"Please" I begged to Sammy. I really wanted to take the ride with Sam to get food "I'm getting sick of this raggedy old house"

"You've only been here a week" He stated.

"Exactly, a week stuck cooped up in this house" I complain.

"Ugh I guess so, I mean what's the worst that could happen." He surrendered.

"Thank you" I then skip over to the impala hopping in the passengers seat ready to get away. You see, since the whole fiasco with Dean, he and I hadn't really talked. I had hung out with Sam a bit more. I've gotten comfortable around him almost in like a big brother kind of way. Let me tell you though, when Sam went to research it was serious business, and that meant I couldn't interrupt him.

So, I would have to stay around the house especially since Bobby didn't trust me after the whole 'gun' incident. I sat around the whole time, Dean would occasionally come through but we wouldn't even make eye contact.


"Ugh just get me a cheese burger I'm going to run to the bathroom." I say taking off towards the bathroom. On the way there I felt a shoulder hit me and I collapsed to the ground. "Excuse you" I mutter.

"Oh I'm sorry" I look to where the voice was coming from to see a boy my age. I immediately went into girly panic mode because I gotta tell you this boy was cute.

"Oh oh yeah it was my uh fault... yeah" I let out a sigh in embarrassment.

"No no, all on me" then a comfortable silence settled over us. It was us just staring at each other, as awkward as that sounds, it was nice.

"Jason." He speaks up.

"Carson, nice to meet you" the fact that I had to pee went away completely as I stared into his hazel eyes.

"You too" he sighs.

"So uh I should get going" I state awkwardly.

"Yeah uh Carson, I will see you around" he gave me an adorable crooked smirk and past by me. I was pretty much shaking.

How could one boy have such an effect on me?

I did what I needed to do in the bathroom, and walked out to Sam who was still waiting for our food. Then there was Jason, who was sitting alone, and gave me a smile. Sam hadn't noticed me yet, so what the hell? why not?

"So.. Jason?" I say sliding into the booth next to him.

"Oh uh hey" he said "what are you doing here? And by here I mean sitting at this table with me because I knew you were here... it's just... your by me and" he stumbling over his words and I found it utterly cute.

"You looked a bit Lonely" I cut him off.

"Oh" he said "well if your gonna sit by me then we should get to know each other"

"I guess we should"

"So Carson what brings you to this lovely diner?" He asks.

"My uncle" I say before thinking. I can't tell him what is truly going on. "He uh lives around here and we came to get food."

"Hmm" he says "where is your uncle" I point over to the oblivious Sam sitting in his seat waiting for our meal.

"The tall one?" he gulped.

"The tall one." I respond. "Well what brings you here?"

"Same as you actually, well not exactly. I live around here with my father and we- well I, came to get food" He said.

"Nice" I say awkwardly. I then see Sam get up and head to the bathroom probably in search of me "well uh I gotta go" I say quickly.

"Well wait do you have a number or something, so I could talk to you again" I remember the stupid old Nokia-like phone that Dean gave to me. I wasn't able to text, but I am able to call.

"Yes actually" oh they are going to kill me if they find out "here" I wrote my number down on a Napkin "uh I'm not allowed to text, but I can call you"

"Oh a o-"

"Carson." Sam's voice made me jump. I turn back to see a not-so-happy Sammy looking at me.

"Heyyyy Sam how are you" I say.

"This your uncle?" Jason asks from behind.

Sam looks down at me with knowing eyes "yeah I am. Who are you?"

"Uh Jason" He said blatantly.

"Okay well nice meeting you, c'mon Carson" Sam said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the counter.

"See ya" I say as I get yanked away. Jason just nods and smiles looking down at his napkin.

"What were you thinking?!" Sam whispers down to me.

"He was nice, we were mingling, what's so bad about it" I reply even though I know the answer.

"What's so bad about it?! Carson he could be a demon for all you know." he said tightening his grip on my hand.

"Let's just get our food and go" I mumble as I grab the bag.


I think we win the award for most awkward car ride ever.

When I got home, I grabbed my food and immediately stomped to the guest room. I heard Sam shut the door and walk into the kitchen. It went silent until I heard Sam muttering words most likely to Dean.

I stared out the window as I heard Dean's voice rattle through the house. He basically screamed two little words and I knew I was done for.

"A BOY?!"


Okay, so I promise I'm not making this into some odd love story. I did want to add some kind of love interest into Carson's life though because it would make Dean have to be fatherly and also it gives Carson a friend.

What do you think will happen when Sam and Dean find out she gave him her number?




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