Chapter 10

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Yeah, I still don't own Supernatural

"She.... she's not fully human" Cas let out a sigh.

"What is she then?" She is too innocent and sweet to be something bad, she can't be a monster. My whole life I've been told to hunt monsters, but she isn't a monster. No matter what she's my daughter.

"She's a cambion" He said "A cambion is a hybrid of a human and a demon" He said.

"What do you mean? I would have remembered if I hooked up with a demon." I said harshly.

"Were you there when she gave birth?" He questioned.

"No, why?"

"It's not common, but is possible, that a demon could have possessed Carson's mother and while possessing the body go into labor. I've done some research and that's the only possible explanation I could have come up with."

"Will she be able to defend herself?" Sam budded in.

"If given the chance, yes, but she would have to be stricken with anger to actually use her powers" Castiel answered.

"Well, what are her powers?" I ask.

"She is normal, but when angry it is almost as if she is not herself, she does things she cannot control" he stated.

"So like the hulk?" Sam asks.

"Hulk?" Cas replies confused.

"Guys! we need to focus on finding her before she does something irrational and gets herself hurt"

"Do the demons know she is a cambion?" Sam looked to Cas.

"I'm afraid so, in all honesty, I think they planned it all out. I think they knew what they doing" He answered.

"So they killed her mother" I sigh in realization that the demons were one step ahead of us.


Carson's P.O.V

I was seated in the chair waiting for Dean and Sam to burst through the door and save me.

"Ready?" the same woman from earlier came back to me

"For what?" I ask.

"Testing" She answered with an eerie smirk.

"What are you testing?"

"Well, I'm going to see how far you go before you break, before you how who you truly are." She sat her tool down and then grabbing a big knife "I guess now is the time to tell you that your one of us" she chuckled.

"I will never be one of you" I say through my gritted teeth.

"Oh but you are, and you see this" she said gesturing to her knife "this doesn't have to happen all you have to do is agree to allow us to use your powers and for you to help us, no refusing"

"Go to hell" I hoarsely yell.

"Oh you just made the worst decision of your life." She chuckled walking up to me. She pulled up my shirt and placing the knife down on my stomach not yet pressing down "are you sure you don't want to rethink that?"

"Go to hell" I repeat. She looks angry at the fact that I did not crack and go with her. She looks at my stomach in frustration and put pressure on the knife slicing down on my stomach. I yelped in pain. All I want is to be with Dean and Sam right now, which isn't happening. My stomach was stinging horribly as I feel the salty tears fall from my eyes.

She then looked at me with a smug smirk "Are you-"

"Save your breath" I cut her off "when Dean and Sam get here they will gank your ass and send you back from where you came" I breath from behind the tears.

If only I could believe that. As of right now I wasn't sure if they were coming. My hope is dwindling.


So you finally figured out what Carson is. I did a bit of research for cambion and hope to show more of what exactly it is.

Do you think Dean will ever find her?

I hope your enjoying the book, I appreciate all the votes and positive comments you guys are giving me. Thank you!

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