Chapter 9

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I still don't own Supernatural, but if I did Sam, Dean, and Cas would never wear shirts again.

"What do you mean bait?" I spit at the woman.

"Well my dear, you are Dean Winchester's daughter" She was walking back and forth while talking. Her heels would click against the floor and echoed around the room.


"Well you see Dean Winchester has one weakness... and do you know what it happens to be?" She smirked evilly.

I searched my mind for anything that would weaken Dean, but I couldn't seem to come up with an answer. Dean hunts monsters for crying out loud. Her voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Family" she laughed. "Oh but that's not just it"

"What is it then?!"

"You? You will find out soon enough" and with that she backed into the shadows.



"Where is she?!" I say projecting my voice, not being intimidated by the demon in front of me.

"Oh Dean..." she chuckled "Dean Dean Dean." She walked circles around me analyzing me "how could you be so stupid! you left her in the mall"

"Where is she?!" I repeated firmly.

"Y'know her death will be you and Sammy here's fault." She yet again ignored my questions.

"Look I'm not here to chit chat with you. Where is she and what do I need to do to get her?" She doesn't deserve this. She doesn't need to be in this. She's too young, too fragile.

"Oh Dean... you don't know do you. I would have thought your little angel friend would have told you what's his name? Castiel" she pulled a knife out of her pocket and pointed it towards me.

"You won't kill me" I smirk.

"Hmph... you are right" she puts the knife down "but do you know why?"

I scoff at her. "Why?"

"Because she needs something to live for while being tortured"

"Don't touch her!" I yell.

"Bye bye boys" and with that black smoke illuminated the air and left.

"Dammit!" I yell "Sammy let's go!"

"What do you plan to do?" He questioned while we left the mall.

"I plan to call up Cas and find out what the hell he's not telling us." I huff.

"Dean-" Sam begins.

"No, I need her Sam. She's my daughter! my responsibility!" I let out a sigh "I failed her Sammy"

"Dean just breath we will find her" eh tried comforting me as we got into the impala.

"Cas get your ass down here!" I slam my hands against the wheel.

"Yes?" I look into my rear-view to see Cas.

"What the hell didn't you tell us?"

"Where is Carson?" He didn't answer my question.

"Well, she is currently being tortured and I need to know how the hell to get to her!" I yelled.

"By demons?" he question.

"No by unicorns. Yes by demons!" I yell sarcastically.

"She doesn't know her true potential. She doesn't know how to control it. This isn't good."

"No shit Sherlock. What aren't you telling us?" Sam buds in.

"She... she is not fully human" Castiel sighs.





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