Chapter 8

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I do not own Supernatural. Supernatural owns me.

The impala pulled up to the large shopping mall, and Dean groaned loudly. Sam on the other hand was amused at the fact that the badass Winchesters were going shopping for a 13 year old girl.

"Stop complaining, and lets go" I say aiming the statement towards Dean.

"Let's just get this over with" he replied putting his hand on my shoulder as we walked into the doors. It was obvious he was on edge. I guess he's just not used to crowds. He's just so overprotective especially of me, I mean, it's a mall not a freaking demon hotel.

"Dean it's fine" I smile.

"Yeah yeah" he mumbles. I grab Dean's wrist and drag him into the nearest clothing store.

"Now spread out and look for 13 year old girl clothes" I then look them up and down "also, Sam, no plaid"

"Noted" he smiled and then walked away. Dean sighed and began walking up to clothing racks. I cannot express how uncomfortable they looked. Mothers were giving then stare downs just because of the awkwardness radiating off of them. It's not everyday you see two grown hunters in a female teen clothing store.

I began grabbing multicolored t-shirts when I got this feeling. It wasn't a good feeling, there was just something in my gut telling me something bad is going to happen. I start to make my way closer to the boys when I am grabbed from behind. I was about to scream before everything goes black.


I woke up looking around. I was in a dark room tied to a chair. What's going on?

"Sam? Dean?" I whisper loudly. Yet no answer.

"Don't try." a feminine voice says. That's when a women from behind the shadow reveals herself.

"Who the hell are you?" I mutter harshly.

"Oh you'll find out soon enough" she had a wicked smirk on her face.

"What do you want with me?" I ask.

"Oh you, well you, your nothing but bait"



"What are we even doing here Sammy?" I sigh.

"What does it look like?" he chuckles "We are buying your daughter clothes" The word 'daughter' still hasn't become any less odd when referring to me. I just can't get use to it.

"C'mon let's just go check out with these and we'll grab Carson" I say. We walk up to the counter where the small fragile lady stands.

"How are you today?" she asks.

"Good" I give her a dry smile.

"So is this it?" she questions.

"Just about..." I sigh.

"Good" then a creepy smile spreads across her face, and the one thing I didn't want to happen happened.

Her eyes turned black.


Duh duh duh duh * cue dramatic music*

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