Chapter 3

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When we were done eating Dean looked at me. "Okay we're gonna head to Bobby's"

"Whatever you say" I answer. we get up beginning to walk out of the diner when I see the creepy guy from the bus began to follow.

"Dean" I whisper. He turns around as I do my best to subtly gesture behind me. He got what I was trying to do and looked behind me to see the guy, but it was almost as if he saw something I didn't.

"Sam get Carson to the car" Sam grabbed my wrist yanking me to the car.

"What's going on?" I say angrily.

"Uh me am Dean gotta take care of something." He said "Stay in the car"

Sam ran back into the building as I see get hit against the window as well as Dean. I see this man he had black eyes. Black. Dean got up running at the thing with a knife which was knocked out of his hand and slid into the entrance door. I know what I need to do. I slid out of the car to the entrance I watched as the man with black eyes walked over to Dean. Innocent people were hiding under the tables yelping in fear. I picked the knife up examining it, and made my way over to the demon. I wasn't sure what I was doing, but whatever it is I'm going through with it.

"Carson" Sam yelled. The demon turned around and I froze. I stared at the wicked smirk on its face and heard the creepy chuckle it let out, but that's when I built up the courage to move. I gripped the knife tightly and was about to stab him when black smoke left his body. I screamed stunning back falling down as I feel Dean's arms around me picking me up and running. I was put roughly into the back of the impala as we drove away quickly.

"What about all those people?" I yell at them.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Dean said ignoring my question.

"You were going to die! I saved you! now what the hell was that and what about those people?" I say.

"The people are fine" Sam sighed.

"Now I didn't need your help! you are too young to do something like that!" Dean gave me a glare from the rearview mirror.

"What was that thing?" I say trying my best to be louder than him.

"A demon" Sam said in a low voice.

"A what?"

"A demon" Dean said louder.

"Oh no I heard you, but what the hell do you mean demon are you a psychopath?"

"Look your mom trusted you with us right?" Dean questioned.


"So just trust us." Sam finished.

"Fine j- just let me think"

"You gotta a lotta time Bobby's house is in Sioux Falls" Dean said.


"yup so go ahead and get your thinking in"


About two hours in the ride I was jumping up and down ready to get out of the car. I was staring out the window when I felt someone else's presence. I turned around to see a man in a trench coat just sitting there.

"WHAT THE HELL?" I yell making Dean swerve a bit.

"What is it?!" Dean looks back at me "Dammit Cas you can't just keep doing that"

"Cas?" I ask.

"Hello Carson" he says in deep rough voice.

"How do you know my name?" I say hitting his arm in anger.

"Well I know what happened to your mother" he says.

"Right and her mother was a hunter?" Dean asked.

"Well you should know" Cas remarked.

"Why would I?"

"Well you did date her" I mumbled angrily. How dare this man not remember her.

"What?" I could tell he was worried, but yet again his emotion is his face didn't change.

"You don't know?" Cas said confused.

"Know what?" he questioned "just tell me dammit!"

"I'm your daughter Dean!" I yell. "I didn't want to tell you because you already left my mom you'd most likely leave me, but it's too late now okay"

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