Chapter 14

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*cries* because still doesn't own Supernatural

"Yes it was, what's the big deal?" I groaned as Dean kept pestering me about Jason.

"What's the big deal?! Carson he could be-"

"A monster I know, but he wasn't" I cut him off.

"How do you know?" he breaths in frustration.

Honestly, I didn't know. I can tell him that though because if I give him anymore stupid answers he may just rip my head off.

I shrugged in response.

"Exactly, you don't. Now, you didn't give him anything personal did you.

My phone number "nope"

"Good" he let out a sigh.

"I'm going to my room" I say and purposely stomp up the stairs. What's the big deal? he's just a boy.

I hopped on the bed when I heard a strange noise coming from the nightstand. Opening one of the drawers to find my little Nokia-like phone lit up with a number flashing on the screen.

I pick it up "Hello?"

"Hey is this Carson?" The voice asks.

"Yeah, hey Jason" A large smile forms on my face.


Dean's P.O.V

"Sam, I'm just worried" I sigh.

"Dean, I know you are, but she's a kid and wants some friends. You can't blame her." Why is he on her team now?

"I'm her friend" I say.

"No your her father, her guidance, she wants someone her age" He sighs.

"Well I'm sorry I can't buy her a friend and she can't have any because it's just adding someone else we need to protect" Sam and I knew that she couldn't have friends as much as she wanted to. Sam just walked away, and I thought maybe I should go and try to reason with Carson.

Walking up the steps I hear her voice. I picked up speed knowing Sam and Bobby were downstairs.

"Oh my god seriously?!" I heard her giggle. I crept closer to her cracked door. I quietly looked in. She sat with her legs swung off the bed with a phone in her hand.



Carson's P.O.V

"Seriously though, my dad almost took his hand off with it" Jason chuckled.

"Oh my god, seriously?!" I giggled a bit.

"Yeah no joke, as bad as it was, it was hilarious." He laughed.

"Oh my God, Jason! Were you scared at all?!" I questioned.

"Pfft no, I don't get scared." He said trying to be manly.

I heard the floor squeak behind me and I quickly looked over to see Dean.

"Uh I'm gonna have to call you back" I say into the phone. I Hung up and looked at Dean who was boiling over in anger.

"I... I... can explain"


Whew, sorry that took me so long to update.

Bleck, idk how to feel about this chapter.



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