Chapter 16

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I don't own Supernatural, but I do own a Dean Winchester life-size cut out... if that counts.

Warning: short chapter 😬

Carson's P.O.V

"You are staying here" Dean said standing in front of me.

"No, this is my fault I'm coming!" I say, but it was no use.

"Do you think this is a game? Carson this innocent boy's life is on the line because of this stupid mistake you made."

"I'm sorry Dean, but-"


"Fine" I huff and stay put.

"You are going to be on your own. Bobby and Sam are coming with me. If you try anything, and I mean anything, you will be punished" As much as he tried to intimidate me it just didn't work.

"Okay we are going to go. just stay and watch television" He said grabbing his duffle bag and heading out the door.

I heard the familiar sound of the impala pulling away, I decided to actually be good and sit back and watch some tv.


Dean's P.O.V

Pulling up to the address we were given, we were very cautious. Sam was going around back as Bobby and I went into the front.

It was a small wooden house. The walls were old and rotted and it looked as if at any second it would completely collapse. There was no door to the house so me and Bobby gave each other knowing looks and entered slowly. It was dark so I flicked the flashlight on and shined it around the room. I was scanning the walls when there sat a young boy tied up at his hands and feet with a rag shoved in his mouth. He was crying and it seemed he was bleeding a bit. He was trying to tell me something but it was only coming out as muffled screams. Running up to him, with Bobby watching my back, I untied him and pulled the rag out his mouth.

Before I got the chance to ask him about his own health he yelled at me.

"It was a trap!"

"What? what do you mean?" by this time Sam came barging in.

"They are going for Carson. Please, tell me you didn't leave her alone." They were going to Bobby's and Carson was there alone and defenseless.

I grabbed my phone and dialed her number, but it buzzed in my pocket. I mentally cursed myself for taking her phone away after she was talking to Jason.

Dropping off Jason at his house, I headed towards Carson.


Carson's P.O.V

Sitting at home thinking about what's going on with Jason I hear the wooden floor creak. Not thinking much of it because of how paranoid I am, I didn't move.

"Hello Darling, good to see you again" Turning back I gasped to see the one person I did not want to see.


You guys probably hate me because I didn't update in like a month AND I AM REALLY REALLY REALLY SORRY.

Anyways, what do you guys think? it was a short chapter and a cliffy 😘

Love you guys!

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