Chapter 17

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I don't own supernatural, but can we just talk about how season 10 starts IN NINE FREAKING DAYS KAAJAVA.

Also this chapter is short. Sorry.


Carson's P.O.V

It was her. The same woman from before, the same woman who had left me traumatized.

She slowly stepped towards me "it seems that you're all alone" she speaks.

"Why are you here" I ask sternly.

"Oh I think you know why I'm here" she laughs darkly "I'm here... for you"

"Why? what do I have to give you?" I say, voice cracking at the end.

"I can't believe they haven't told you!" she gasps "shows how good of guardians they are" she sits down in the chair across from where I am sitting and stares me in the eye. "Honey, you are special"

"How so?" I say a bit uneasily.

"Oh so you just thought nothing of you breaking those strong ropes huh?"

"No why?" I ask.

"You're a cambion. you are a monster. One of us, but come with me and I could help"

"I would never" I say quickly "you could go to hell for all I care"

"Oh, I've been there, but it didn't quite suit me too well so now I'm here" I could tell she was getting impatient.

"I'm. Not. Going." I say again.

"It's funny, you think you have a choice" she smirked wickedly "you're a big deal where I'm from I have some of the best protecting this house"

"Why would I ever go with you?" I scoff.

"Why would you want to stay? the Winchesters hate you. you're a nuisance. You're a stupid kid. Dean doesn't think of you as a daughter" and that's where it hurt the most.

"Yes... yes he does" but I couldn't believe my own words. He hated me. After all the trouble I had caused.

A wide smile spread across her face "if you come with me you might as well be a queen." She spoke "and the Winchesters go back to normal. Everyone wins"

"I don't know..." I sigh.

"Oh but you do. You know deep inside that that thing, that feeling, that's fighting to get out of you wants to come." She says softly "so come with me" It truly did. I had been fighting back that feeling, but kept my mouth shut in spite of any trouble.

"Okay" I speak.


"Just leave the Winchesters alone" a wicked smirk slides on to her face.


I just want you to know the story only has like four chapters left ))):

Anyways love you guys and thanks for being so patient about the updates.

I love you all

Stay classy


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