Chapter 2

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I began breathing heavily. I am about to talk to my real father. My mother has told me nothing about this man. What if he doesn't like me? What will he do that the cops can't? My mind tells me to call the cops, but that goes against what my mother said. I grab her phone running out of the dark house in fear something could still be in here. I pick up the phone looking through her contacts.





Dean Winchester. My father.

I always told myself that if I met him I would hate him. I would want to kill him, but now I just feel like a little girl who doesn't know what to do. Actually I don't just feel like one. I am one. I click his contact waiting for him to pick up.


I started breathing heavy. I don't know what to say. Oh hey I'm your daughter and that girl you knocked up just died? no I can't I'd scare him away.

"Hello?" he repeats.

"Uhm is Dean Winchester there?" I question.

"Speaking, who is this?" he asks in a rough voice.

"Carson Anderson and look we need to talk."

"How old are you?" he asks.

"That's beside the point." I say quickly.

"How old are you?" he said sternly.

"Look I'm young, let's just say that" I sigh "but we need to meet!" I stress the word need.

"Alright" he said "where are you located?"

"Lawrence, Kansas" I say. He chuckled a bit. "Something funny?" I ask.

"No no I... I just you to live there, but yah that will work I'm near there now"

"Alright well where we meeting up?"

"Uh small diner off of 25. know the place?"

"Yeah see ya there" I think I know what he's talking about. Mom use to take me there when I was young. She said something about that place having 'sentimental value.'

"Okay bye" he hung up and I couldn't help but have different emotions going through my body. Sadness, excitement, scared. As much as I hate saying it. I'm just a little girl. No, I may be a little girl but I can take care of myself. I'm here aren't I. I'm alive. I grab what's left of my money out of my pocket to find ten dollars and fifteen cents. This should get me a bus ticket there, but the bus stop is ways away. Well let's get walking.


Once to the bus stop I bought a ticket. I stepped on the old nasty bus walking to the back. I got a weird look from the man in front of me. He was sketchy and honestly intimidating. I sat there rethinking the moments in my head. My mother is dead, SHES DEAD! Tears begin to fall again. The man in front of me turns around.

"Hey kid you okay?"

"Yeah fine just having a rough time."

"How bout I take you to my house clean you up?" he says.

"No sir, I uh I'm meeting someone"

"Look you can trust me"

"Look I'm meeting my father okay I'm fine" just as I said that the bus stopped. I hopped out of my seat and off the bus only to have the creep follow me. I walk to the diner looking around for anyone who fits the voice of Dean Winchester. The man who followed me gets a seat at the bar and casually watches me. I act like I don't notice and go on looking for Dean. I begin walking to the front of the diner when a large man knocks me down with his shoulder.

"Oh my bad." He says helping me up. I take this chance to look at him. He was very tall with long hair. He was muscular and by the looks of it was tired as hell.

"Yea yea my bad" I say getting up.

"I uh" he begins to say "never mind you just remind me of a friend"

"Okay then" I sigh walking away to out of the dinner about to call Dean. I keep an eye on the creepy guy from the bus when I see about the coolest car I've ever seen. It was dark black and it was obvious the owner kept it in great condition. I out my hands on the windows looking inside to see the frivolous interior.

"Hey kid hands off my baby" I turn around to see a man in a leather jacket with the man I ran into.

"Sorry sir it's just-"

"Wait are you Carson" he asks.


"In the flesh" he smirks.

"Okay" I say beginning to hyperventilate "okay okay we uh we need to talk"

"Well c'mon let's get some food" he said walking into the diner. I follow them to small table.

"So?" he says.

"So what?"

"You dragged us to this diner saying you needed to tell me something"

"Oh uh yea yea okay well let's start I got home today from school my uh mother she was dead" I say holding back the tears. The man Deans with eyes turn more sympathetic as to where Dean holds the same emotion.

"What killed her?"

"I uh I don't know a human. what do you think some kind of boogie man?" I say sarcastically "she was dead in her bed and I found a tape recorder with a message."


"Uh it told me-" I was cut off by the waitress.

"What would you like to order?" she asked.

"Bacon Cheeseburger" Dean and I say simultaneously. Deans friend just chuckles a bit.

"Okay and what would you like" she said gesturing to Dean's friend.

"Just a Caesar salad, thanks" the waitress walks away as I begin again.

"She told me you two could protect me"

"Look uhm" Dean's friend began. "Anything else"

"No" I can't tell him he's my father I just can't. I look over my shoulder to see the creepy man staring at us.

"Anything wrong?" Dean questioned.

"No it's just that guy over there he followed me off the bus, and uh he tried making me go to his house but I kept refusing." Dean nodded and now observed the man.

"So we can take her to Bobby's" Deans friend said as if I weren't here.

"Uh excuse me first of all I'm right here, and what's your name?" I looked at him.

"Sam and I noticed"

"Okay well Sam, Dean" I sigh "who's Bobby?"

"Our uncle" they said in unison.

"Okay well let's get our food and go" I say.

The waitress arrived with our food, am I immediately take a huge chunk out of my burger.

"Does she remind you of someone?" Sam chuckled. Dean just sighed in response.

"What?" I say with a mouthful.

"Nothing" Dean says.

Okay then.

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