Chapter 7

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*Two Days later*

I still wasn't sure how to feel about the whole 'Dean situation.' Bobby keeps telling me that they will be back in no time. Honestly, I don't want them to come back. Dean obviously isn't too happy with me and I don't want him to try and crappy 'concerned father' speech because that'd just be awkward and over all stupid. I sat in my room I was told to stay in while Bobby was doing some kind of research. I now realize how much help Bobby actually does. When I first got here I kinda thought he was a retired hunter or some kind of dead beat. Now I realize he is the guy who helps not just Sam and Dean, but many hunters by pretending to be part of the FBI or even just doing something as simple as researching old folklore and mythology. I think I was most shocked with the amount of telephones he has in his kitchen each labeled with a different aliases.

If Bobby dies I don't know what all of these hunters would do. Hell, they would probably all crash and burn without his expertise.

"Hey kid!" I hear Bobby yell. What's with calling me kid? I mean sure I'm young, but I have a name.

I ran down the old stairs "you called?"

"Sam and Dean are coming back today" he sighed. I could feel my stomach plummet. I didn't have enough time to get prepared for what Dean was going to throw at me. Was he gonna yell at me? or do some talk that will get us no where? "you'll be fine. Dean isn't as tough as he makes himself out to be." I smirk letting out a small exhale of air trying to calm my nerves.

"Okay" I smile even though it was most definitely not 'okay'

"Alright well I gotta get back to researching do you need anything?" he questioned.

"You wouldn't happen to have a sketchpad and markers?"

"Uh no" he smirks "but I got a pencil and some paper"

"That will make do" I chuckle. Bobby exits the room and comes back with paper in his hand. I ran upstairs and began drawing. It seems drawing just keeps me calm. Normally I would draw my favorite bang logos, or different cars. Today though I felt as of I should do something different. I walked up to the window which had what I believe is some kind of demon trap over it. I stared past the marking out into the beautiful scenery that was past the old cars. I stared at a beautiful oak tree which was planted close to the house. It was then I realized what I was going to draw.


Once done I hold it in front of the window.

"Definitely refrigerator worthy" I shoot my head around to see Dean leaning in the door frame. Oh god. I'm not ready to talk to him especially sense some of the last words I said to him were 'I hate you'

"I uh" I begin.

"I don't expect you to talk look I understand you want to go home and I understand that you probably hate it here, but trust me your safe here" it was obvious it was taking all he had to actually sound father like.

"Look I apologize, I was moody, but can we not do the whole 'I was just trying to protect you because I care' speech."

"Thank God" he mumbled "well c'mon we brought food."

"Pie?" I question.

"Yes" he chuckled and with that we went down stairs.

"Reconciled?" Sam questioned. We both nodded obviously way too focused on the delicious looking food.

We all sat down and I felt the need to bring up an important matter. "Sam Dean?" I ask and they give me their attention. "I have been having to stay on huge clothes the past four days"

"Your point?" Dean asks confused.

"Well I can't drive..." I smile.

"So?" Dean is really just oblivious sometimes.

"So us three are going on a shopping spree to get me clothes!" I yell.

"A shopping what?"


I thought I will make next chapter a bit of a fluffy nice one. That is until it all starts going down hill.

Uh oh.

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