Chapter 6

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I do not own Supernatural just Carson Anderson.

"Look someone wants to talk to you" Bobby walked in the den with the phone in his hand. He handed it to me and walked out.

"Hello?" I ask putting the phone to my ear.

"Carson? what the hell do you think you were doing?" he questioned angrily.

"What do you mean?"

"Bobby told me what you did with the gun..." He sighed in annoyance.

"Yeah well I'm fine, no ones hurt" I said giving him as much attitude as he gave to me.

"That's not the point you could of been hurt" he said.

"Yeah could have been, but I'm not" I reply.

"Dammit Carson that's not the point" he said.

"Dean I'm fine! God it's not that big of a deal." I sigh in frustration. "I hate you when your like this"

"What did you just say" he said.

"I said I hate you when your like this in fact I hate you, I just want to go home back to my mom"

"Your moms gone and I hate to tell you but I'm all you got!" I couldn't take any more of this, so I ended the call.


Dean's P.O.V

"I can't believe it she just hung up on me" I say to Sammy.

"Dude you can't be worrying about her right now, I'm sure she's fine with Bobby" He commented.

"I don't know... I just I don't know anymore. I can't handle a kid. I don't want to make her become a hunter, I don't know if you noticed Sammy but this life sucks" I sigh.

"Oh trust me I noticed, but as of right now she's still young she isn't gonna become a hunter anytime soon." He chuckled lightly.

"Yea I guess your right" I surrendered "so what do we think this is?"

"Not sure I'm thinking a werewolf I mean first the murder by the apartments and now out in the woods." He explains "I mean there were a few cases of murders in this town that could be werewolves other than that, but that was awhile back"

"So what a werewolf come to the town feed than leave and come back, or what" I question.

"That's what I'm saying, I'm not sure, for all we know the werewolf could be any other college student at the university."

"Well then I guess we better do some investigating."



Carson's P.O.V

My blood was boiling. I don't understand why Dean has to be like that.

"Y'know he just cares" Bobby kicked me out of my thoughts.

"I know it's just.... it's almost like he thinks I'm just a nuisance." I sigh.

"No, well he's just not exactly cut out for fatherhood.... yet at least." He said "I just don't think he wants you to end up... well like him"

"What do you mean?" I say looking up at him.

"Well his father kind of forced his kids into hunting monsters... he wanted to go after whatever killed Dean and Sam's mom" He explained and I immediately felt a pang of guilt in my gut.

"Did they ever get it?" I ask.

"No well not yet" he said. "So my point here is he doesn't want to force you into hunting"

"But that's the thing I want to hunt" I say.

"Trust me you may want to now, but it gets old" he smirks.

"I don't know" I sigh "and Bobby"

"Yea kid?" he said.

"Thanks I think I understand a bit more" I say.

"Any time" he smiled.


Sorry this update took a little while. Do y'all like it?

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