Chapter 4

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"Your my what? Cas is this true?" Dean asked Cas.

"Afraid so..." Cas said.

"Afraid... wow okay so you must really not want me" I sighed. Cas gave me a sympathetic 'I'm sorry' look.

"Your absolutely sure" Dean asked.

"Yup" I said popping up the 'p' and looking out the window.

"Well okay then" he sighed.

"Seriously?" I asked. He wasn't gonna leave me?

"Yeah we can have Bobby look over you" Sam added.

"But what if I want to come and hunt monsters?" I asked in all seriousness.

"Oh no" Dean sighed "You're my daughter I'm not putting you in danger"

I just scoffed "please I saved y'alls ass back there I would be good on hunts"

"Kid, you just found out what a demon was... your not ready." Dean said.

"Okay first of all stop calling me 'kid' and second of all I'm ready. okay?"

"Yeah okay" Dean said sarcastically. We drove for a good hour in and a half before Dean decided to play some music. He put on 'Shook me All night Long' by AC/DC. Sam looked a little nervous at first with me listening to this and being thirteen, but quickly changed his mind when I started singing.

"You listen to AC/DC?" Dean questioned with a smirk.

"Of course, who doesn't?" I replied which made Sam chuckle a bit "what's so funny Sammy?"

"It's Sam and may I say you really are Dean's daughter." I nodded.

"Why would you say that?" I ask curiously.

"Well you look like him, listen to AC/DC which I don't listen to and I'm his brother, and it was obvious you were looking at the impala in awe. " he said. I laughed a bit and then set my head back to fall into a deep sleep.


"Hey Carson wake up!" I hear Dean say.

"Noooo" I groan.

"Okay c'mon" he picked me up placing me on a bed it a small room. "Get some sleep" he leaned down and gave me a protective kiss on the forehead and left the room. Of course being the devious, sneaky girl I am, I snuck out of the room and decided to do a little eves dropping.

"I don't know, Bobby" Dean sighed.

"Well I don't mind her with me, but I'd find out what she wants" a man who sounded a bit older yet had an almost comforting tone said.

"Bobby she's not coming on cases, she's wayyyy too young" Sam added.

"Whatever you boys say. Are you gonna say goodbye?" The man asked.

Goodbye. Where are they going? who are they leaving me with?

"She's got Deans attitude which means she will put up a fight" Sam commented.


"I think it will be best if we go now, bye Bobby."

"Bye boys" and with that the door shut.

I sighed. He just left me. Well goodbye to you too.

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