Chapter 5

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The first thought that crossed my mind is 'who the hell did they leave me with?'

I repeat the conversation in my mind.


"I think it will be best if we go now, bye Bobby."

"Bye boys" and with that the door shut.


"Bobby?" I ask.

"Yea um hey?" he sighed.

Well this is already awkward.

"Where did Sam and Dean go?" I knew they left. But after another demon?

"Another case" he sighed.

"Like a demon?" I ask confused.

"Uh well they aren't sure" he sighed.

"How many things are out there?" I question.

"Uhm well let's just say a lot" he smirked.


"Look I don't know if I should be the one telling you-" he began.

"Just give me a couple examples" I plead.

"Your hard headed aren't you" he chuckled.

"Yes, now no changing the subjects, I want to know about the things that go bump in the night"

"You really are Dean's kid"

"I've been told that a lot lately" I sigh "personally I don't see it" but then I realize he was already changing subjects. "Now tell me about these supernatural being how many are there and examples"

"Well it looks like there is no compromising with you soo I can tell you a few things. First there are more than just 'a few creatures' there's a lot. Demons, Werewolves, vampires, ghosts, hell even angels exist, but the list just never ends"

The word 'angels' took me by surprise. I can't say I was the biggest religious person, I mean yes I believed in God but this is just so surreal.

"So you hunt these things?" I ask quite shocked.

"That's our job" he said "but enough about that are you hungry?"

"Actually no I ate at a diner" I say

"Well make yourself at home, there's a television in here" he sighed "just don't go too far away from me... your my responsibility" he smiled.

"Will do" I say. I ran back upstairs and honestly I was sick of these clothes. "Bobby?" I call.

"Whatcha need?"

"Um clothes I left them at my house.... in Kansas"

"Uh well we may have to wait a while until we go out, but feel free to wear some big shirts"

"Okay" I sigh. I finally found some shirts that didn't look to torn and dirty. I put one on over some shorts and ran downstairs. I see Bobby looking through some old books. "I wanna learn."

"Learn what?" he seems confused.

"How to hunt, I wanna be able to go with Sam and Dean on cases''

"Look kid, Sam and Dean are suppose to be home in about two days to see you.Talk to Dean about that one"

"C'mon pleeaaasssee" I beg.

"Sorry kid" he put his face back down as his eyes scanned the pages of the old books.

"Well what am I suppose to do?" I ask looking around the old house.

"I uh I don't know watch television or something." He sighed.

"I'm gonna take a walk" I tell him.

"Look just not too far I really can't loose you and be safe." I nod as a reply and I was out the door. I found myself walking into some kind of junkyard. I listened to the birds chirped as I checked out the cars that aren't too beat up, and that's when I came up with a great idea. Y'know what? I'm gonna teach myself how to hunt. I snuck back into the house and quietly went into Bobby's room. I saw a different looking gun, but a gun nonetheless. I then then grabbed a piece of red cloth and left. I walked up to an old car and grabbed a piece of metal and then went searching for a decent sized tree. Once I found a tree with a low branch I set the metal down, and threw the cloth over it. I leaned down picking up a piece of mud on my index finger and smearing it in a circle in the middle of the cloth. I back up and cocked the gun. I had never used a gun before, but there's a first time for everything. I aimed the gun and slowly fired it off. The bullet completely missed and along with that I stumbled back a few feet hitting me head on something hard. I looked up to see a not-so-happy Bobby standing over me.

"H-hey" I sigh.

"Well you just lost all privileges to leave the house" he said "c'mon let's go"

"Okay okay but you gotta admit I wasn't that bad" I chuckle trying to lighten the mood "even though I missed the target completely."

"Your sneaky I'll give ya that one." He sighed tugging me to the house. "Now just go watch television while I talk to Dean."

"Fiinnee..." I groan in response.

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