Character answers

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You guys are super awesome, and here are the answers to y'all's questions.

Questions to Dean:

Q: Do you want another daughter?

A: Although I loved Carson to death, I don't think I could handle another kid. I never really knew how hard it was to deal with a teenager, they're like animals.

Q: How do you not cry when you think about this?

A: I refuse to cry because this is not the end of Carson. I will do what it takes to get her back.

Q: Do you ever look at yourself and go 'Damn, I'm sexy'

A: All day, Everyday.

Q: What's your best pick up line?

A: "I'll bet you taste better than pie" gets 'em everytime

Q: Would you ever let Carson date Jason?

A: No. No. Absolutely not.

Questions to Sam:

Q: are you (or Dean) going to sell your soul to get Carson back?

A: I would hope we could find another way to get her back, but if worse comes to worse I'm afraid Dean may make some rash decisions.

Q: May I cut your hair for you?

A: You will never touch my long luscious locks.

Q: What's the weather like up there?

A: really? What are you five?

Q: Do you think there is something going on between Dean and Castiel?

A: define "something going on"

Questions to Castiel:

Q: Why are you so goddamn adorable?

A: I am not adorable, I'm intimidating.

Q: do you like Dean?

A: why is 'like' italicized? Is there some sort of hidden meaning?

Q: are you going to try and help get Carson back?

A: I will do what I can.


A: If you are going to ask someone to become the father of your children, I would try and use manners.

Questions to Bobby:

Q: Will you be my father?

A: Um... no.

Questions to Carson:

Q: are you going to come back to life?

A: I'd ask Dean that one.

Q: Do you like Jason?

A: it's a possibility.

Questions to Jason:

Q: do you got the hots for Carson?

A: Despite the fact that she recently died, I'm not quite sure of my feelings for her. Even if I did like her, it would be kinda hard because Dean scares the hell out of me.

Questions to me:

Q: what will the sequels plot be about?

A: I don't want to spoil anything, but let's just say things Dean and Carson's relationship will never be the same.

Q: you're a really good writer, so what exactly was your inspiration/motivation behind this story? It's very unique and as a writer myself, I could definitely use some good writing secrets/tips.

A: First of all, thank you so much. I don't exactly know my inspiration behind the story beside the fact that I have an undying love for Supernatural. My tips or secrets are to know what you are going to write instead of just writing what comes into your head. Have the book planned out before actually writing the chapters. Also, know exactly how each chapter will connect and flow. I can't say I'm the greatest writer due to the fact that I've failed most of my English classes, but I want to thank you guys for all of y'all's support.


Now I just have to write the sequel 😬

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