Chapter 1: Winter

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Author note:
Art was made by reikiwie
By the way this story was made in different P.O.V.'s
ENJOY!! :3

Winter's P.O.V.

Click... click... click...
My heels clicked against the hallway as I stomped angrily outside of Ozpin's office.

I just arrived to Beacon and now Drunkard here ruins it the second I step foot at this camp.


"GAHH!!" I shout then punch the wall next to me.

The door opened.

Ironwood appears with Glynda.

I straighten my stance "Sir!! I-I'm sor-"

"Its fine just don't let it happen again" Ironwood said.

"Yes sir!!" Then he walks away with Glynda by his side.

"I'm such an idiot..." I say under my breath.
"Yah you are..." Someone whispered in my ear.

My eyes widened.

I turn right around to face him...
The guy who got me in trouble...
The guy who is a deadbeat...
The guy who only drinks for as long as he lives!!
The guy who I HATE so much....


"Ice Queen..." he smirked

I scolded at him and reach for my sword.

He put his arms behind his head
"Ah ah ah.. I wouldn't do that if I were you... don't want to get in trouble with Ironwood punk now would you..." He said putting on a smirk.

As much as I hated him and his smirk he was right... I was lucky Ironwood let me off the hook when me and Qrow were fighting in Beacon if he saw me fighting with him again he would think I wasn't a good soldier.

I removed my hand from my sword and put it behind my back.

"Good girl.." He smiled.
I scolded.
"I might not be able to fight you here but when we ever spar I'm sure that in the end you will wish you never messed with me...." I said then turned around and headed for the elevator.

I will always (Love) HATE you *A Qrowin Story* (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now