Chapter 4: The mission

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Winter's P.O.V.

I reached for my sword and stab my alarm clock

I wake up
I need to get ready for work
I head to the shower to refresh myself

Qrow's P.O.V.
I yawned
I should've not drank so much last night
Now Ironwood wants me to tell Ice Queen to report to Ozpin's office.

I looked at the building she lives in
So many flights of stairs to climb.

Fuck it time to go to Crow mode.
I changed to a Crow and flew to Winter's room her windows were open.

As soon as I change form I collapsed on her bed. Flying was very tiring for me.

Well I'm kinda lazy so everything's tiring for me.

By the way
Where is Ice Queen?

I heard the bathroom door open.
"I can't believe I forgot to bring my clothes..." said a voice.

My eyes widened
I was staring at Ice Queen who only had a towel on
I think I see heaven...

Without even thinking I say
"Nice curves Ice Queen"

"GET OUT!!!"

10 minutes later
I limp my way back to Ozpin's office.
You're wondering why I'm limping aren't you...

Let's just say Ice Queen threw me out the window after that "incident"

Thankfully I changed into a Crow in time but still hurt ma legs when I was thrown.

But hell it was worth it....
When I got there I saw Ice Queen, Ironwood, Glynda and Ozpin there already.

Ice Queen shot me a death glare pretty quick.

"So uh.. Ozpin why you call all of us here.." I said sweating nervously as Winter shoots me with more death glares.

"Well it comes to my attention we don't have so much time left..." Ozpin said.

"What do you mean Ozpin.." Ironwood says.

"What I mean we need to find a Fall maiden fast, who knows when the their that stole half of the maidens power will strike next."

"So... what do we do sir.." Winter says

"I want you to go on a mission.. to find the best host o be the next fall maiden...." Ozpin said.

"It'll be an honor s-"
"I also want you to go with Qrow"
"WHAT!!" She yells.
She quiets down and says "Sir may I ask why him of all people.."

"Qrow knows the person who stole the power he can keep an eye out for them.. plus he's one of the most skilled fighters we have, he can protect you..." Ozpin says

"But sir!!"
"That's enough Winter" Ironwood says, immediately She hushes.

"You leave tomorrow morning so I suggest you get ready" Ozpin says

Winter grumbles quietly as she was leaving the room she looked at me.

"See ya later Ice Queen" I said as I winked at her.

Then she left.

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