Chapter 2: Qrow

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Art by Kuro-d

I walked to the elevator quickly letting my heels click the floor. I don't want to be in the same room with this annoyance....

Once I was inside I clicked the button to the lobby.

As I watch the elevator door slowly close I smile to my self..


My eyes widened as I 2 hands opening the elevator door.

"I believe I get off the same stop as you....." Qrow said shooting me with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes... I hate this guy.
I stepped more to the left as he went in the elevator.

The elevator was starting to go down..

C'mon cmon I said inside my head..

"Ya know Ice Queen I think we should spar sometime...." Qrow said.

I didn't answer him....


There were two hands on the elevator wall pinning me in the middle.

"Ignoring me Ice queen?" He smiled.

My face went red
"Tch.." I said.
That stupid man.. how... gahhh....

Without even thinking I punched him.
Sending him to the other wall his face full of shock.


The elevator door opened as I step outside I say "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Tugging on my glove.. the hand that I used to punch him with... I took my leave smiling to myself..

Qrow's P.O.V.
Winter walked away her heels clicking as she did. I rub on my cheek as it stings.

"That actually hurt Ice Queen.. that actually fucking hurt..." I said then smiled.

Wiping the blood of my lip I say

"And that was actually fucking cute.."

I will always (Love) HATE you *A Qrowin Story* (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now