Chapter 14: Back at Beacon

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Author's note:
AHHH!! This is the first time I wrote something so inappropriate!! I'm sorry if it's bad I'm not used to writing something so inappropriate.. You guys prbly don't even think this is dirty or anything, but I was really embrassed when I was writing this..

Winter's P.O.V .
I yawn as my eyes begin to flutter open.

What happened?

I look to my side and see Qrow sleeping next to me shirtless as I lay in his arms.

I blush




I look under the covers to see myself naked.

My face flush


I look at Qrow who seems to be sleeping peacefully next to me. I stare at him, for once he looked... Peaceful..

I smile and reached for his face.

When I do his hand catches mine, I gasp.

He opens his eyes and smirks "Morning Ice Queen..."

I blush and sit up straightly letting the sheets fall off my chest, I can feel his eyes staring at me. But I don't care as I walked over for my clothes and put them on.

Trying to cover my face I say "We should get dressed, we don't want to be late..." I say looking at the mirror tying my hair to a bun.

He puts his shirt and pants on then yawns as he walks over to me.

"Yes mamn" he says kissing my neck,

I blush

"Also you should cover that part" He says smirking as he leaves with his weapon.

I watch him as he leaves questionly.

What does he mean you should cover-

I look at my neck more closer to see a spot that is reddish. A HICKEY!!

I slap my neck my face flushing "QROW YOU BASTARD!!" I yell.

I sigh and put a bandage on it.

When I come out Qrow's laughing obviously knowing what he did.

I scowl at him.

"I will always hate you.." I said scowling at him.

He starts laughing again as he wraps his arms around me then says "And I will love you forever.." he says smiling I can feel his smile on my neck.

When we got out the plane we head to Beacon first.

We go to Ozpins office the top floor taking the elevator when we got there everyone was waiting for us.

"I'm guessing the mission wasn't successful.." Ironwood said.

"Nice to see you too.." Qrow says rolling his eyes.

I ignore Qrow and say "No sir.. My and Qrow felt that the target wasn't qualified for this position..."

Ironwood sighs then looks at Ozpin he looks sad too. WHAT WAS GOING ON!!

"Ms. Schnee in desperate times call for desperate actions... So I have a proposal..." He looks at me sadly. "Winter Schnee will you be the next Fall Maiden.."

I'm stunned as his words cut through me.

Qrows the first to speak "WHAT!! OZPIN SERIOUSLY!! WINTER CAN'T SHE-"

"I'll do it..." I say the room turns quiet.

Qrow looks at me with shocked eyes.

I stand up straighter with a brave look on my face "I'll become the next Fall maiden!!" I shouted.

Qrow eyes looked like his whole world just shattered at once.

I ignore it and looked straight at Ozpin.

"Ah... It's a very important decision you should think about it more..." He says looking at Qrow worriedly.

I nod then exited the room.

I will always (Love) HATE you *A Qrowin Story* (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now