Chapter 30: Blood made of water

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Winter's P.O.V.

Me and my men rushed through the bustling civilians who were running around and screaming in fear. I stop  and look behind me. "You three I need you to go check for survivors and the injured, the rest will follow me!!"

I march through the city to spot smoke in the air which makes me land my eyes on the lake which had a jet jutting out. It was a good thing the lake was shallow.

I walked forward scanning the destruction, who dared to destroy such beautiful property of Atlas. If I get my hands on that bastard, I'll!!

"Miss. Schnee shall we proceed?" One of the soldiers spoke up, waking me up from my thoughts.

I nod as we I signal the soldiers to march forth. I step into the lake, the water splashing in each step I take.

(Wow that rhymes)

I cough from the smell of smoke, then a little voice called out "Winter?"

I look behind me to see my sister. The only person I could call my family. "Weiss!!" I run to my sister, hugging her tattered clothes, her blood seeping into my uniform.

"Are you okay!? Where are the others?!" I said once I released her from my hug.

Weiss had a worried look on her face, "Everyone's alright,  we strapped ourselves to a chair, except for Qrow.."

I flinch, feeling my skin crawl with fear. Weiss bubbles up with tears,  "He sacrificed his life for me, and.. He's probably..." She cries and my arms wrap around her. The other hunters from her team come and comfort her. And I continue my search for Qrow.

Qrow's here?
Why is he here?
And what happened?

I cover my mouth, "that bastard can't be dead, he's too annoying to die.." I muttered under my breath, I walked into the control's room to see him there. His skin was pale against his black hair. Dead, no he can't be... Unconscious with a pool of water mixed with his own blood surrounding his head.

I let out a shaky sigh and rushed to his side. "You are not allowed to die on me Qrow!!" I checked his pulse. A weak heart rate, but the idiot was hanging in there.

The day he came back I wanted to kiss him, hug him, fight him.

But all I want now is...
for him to be alive....

My heart bleeds, but I rip my feelings away and focus on the situation in front of me. I grunt putting his arm around my shoulder and lift him up.

"You better not die before we get to the hospital, I don't want to know I dragged your corspe here for nothing!!" I yelled, hoping he would listen.

Hoping that he was still alive...

I will always (Love) HATE you *A Qrowin Story* (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now