Chapter 33: Forget

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Winter's P.O.V.

The birds chirped while perched on the branches. The tree provided us some shade while we enjoyed our lunch. "So you like the set up?" Qrow asked pointing to the blanket and the picnic basket.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, I suppose it is suitable for a date..." but smile at the end.

"Jeez, can never impress you, can I?" Qrow says leaning his chin on his hand with a smirk on his face. He looks up the blue sky, "I've been meaning to ask you... why did you start tearing up? I mean did I do something wrong?"

I sigh putting down my drink. "No one had ever done something like this for me." I say as I fiddle with the cloth of my suit. "Most of the suitors I meet just take me to a restraunt."

"No one ever took this much effort for my love.." I sighed, meeting his eye.

He smiles, "Well it's worth it for you.." Qrow leans forward. "Not quit it with the tears, Ice Queen. They'll freeze on your cold face."

"Tch.." I say shoving a sandwich in his mouth. "Shut it and start eating before the food get cold."

He takes a bite of the sandwhich and kisses my cheek. "I love you, Winter.."

My cheeks turned red, a smooth warm feeling fluttering in my stomach. "Me too.."

"Miss. Schnee," an Atlas soldier walks over the hill to us. "Mr. Ironwood like to speak with you, it's an emergency."

"Emergency!!" Qrow yells as I stood up. "What? Hey! We're in a middle of a date!"

I sighed, will I suppose it was fun and all. "Will it be quick? I would like to return to.. well,"

The soldier shakes his head. "Afraid not.." My eyebrows knit together, has the situation gotten so serious already?

"HMPH? I GUESS I'LL JUST WAIT HERE WITH THE 3 HOUR PLANNED DATE OVER HERE!" Qrow yelled planting his butt on the ground.

"I'm afraid, sir Ironwood would like to see you as well Mr. Branwen.." the soldier says.

Qrow sighs standing up, "Great, what does this guy want with me now?!" Then he nudges Winter with his elbow. "At least we get to go together." With a little smirk on his face.

I take his hand, holding it in mine. "Just be good and we'll have plenty of time together.." I whispered quiet enough so the soldier couldn't hear.

"Yes mam.." he squeezed my hand.

"I apologize for being late sir, we were in the middle of doing something.." I say walking towards Ironwood.

"Thats code word for 'We didn't want to come here'" Qrow says as I nudge him hard in the arm only to get a playful smile in return.

"I.." Ironwood sighs. "I'm too tired to even deal with Qrow anymore.. I'm just glad you two came.." his eyes had gray bags and it looks as if he hasn't shave for weeks.

"Geez, you look like you've been hit by a truck..." Qrow says, I glare at him throwing stares like daggers.

"What is it? Have our enemies pushed through the borders already?" I say slamming my hands on the table. Was it true? If it was the road ahead will be difficult...

Ironwood nods, "Our men couldn't secure the area any longer, the protection broke through and soon Grimm will attack Atlas if we don't do something."

"Then send us two, me and Winter are like a power couple! Nothing can defeat us!" Qrow says putting an arm to his waist.

"Are you nuts? I can't send a pregnant women to the battlefield!" Ironwood yells crossing his arms. A chill climbs down my spine, the baby.

"Pregnant.." Qrow looks at me,


I will always (Love) HATE you *A Qrowin Story* (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now