Chapter 35: Off to Hell

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Qrow's P.O.V.

Stretching my arms, I breathe in the wood's air still no Grimm around. Where were the murderers? I guess it's good thing we haven't encounter any, but it gave me a cold feeling. Perhaps could that mean they've been waiting for us?

I twist my engagement ring, bringing back happy memories. I sighed, I should stop worrying about that. Once I get back to Atlas me and Winter will be married and we will be happy, never have to fear about stupid Grimms or spring maidens.

I still don't know why I had to go to this mission. I was married! But Winter insisted, if it was only one more left for us to have eternal peace.

I smiled, shifting my weight to my left blancing my the weight of my scythe. "Lets just get this over with."

Atlas soldiers ran out of the woods in fear. "Mr. Branwen!! We have spotted a massive army of Grimm! Please, you have to check it out!!"

A smirk plays onto my face as my scythe's blade smiles back. Time to get some action on!

I rush into the woods a couple of soldiers behind me readying their guns. I pull out my sword, racing towards the darkness.

"AHHH!!!" an Atlas soldier screams being dragged by the leg from a bear Grimm having him in his claws.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath, feeling my body vanish with feathers turning into a crow. Time to use my new move. 

I flew up, removing the bear's attention to me. I turned into my human form and smiled as my sword turned into a scythe. Swiping down the blade, turning my weapon into a razor. My body swirling into a circle, using it as a full attack right against the bear's head.

I cut through the bear's body, releasing the soldier from it's grip. I land swiftly onto the ground, the blood of the Grimm spilling out onto my clothes.

"MAN! That was suppossed to be a cool landing!!" I yelled trying to wipe off all the blood from my clothes. I sighed looking over to the other soldiers. "You guys okay?" Throwing my scythe over my shoulder.

The soldier nodded, "However, something I don't understand is. Before you came, there was an army of Grimms. Where did they go?"

I shrugged, did they run away from me. "Well, they probably were scared off because of me. Soooo~ your welcome!"

"I-I WOULDN'T BE SO CONFIDENT!!" The soldier yells. I look behind me to see the Grimms heading towards me and only five soldiers.

I look towards the Black and White monsters. About ten of them facing us, ready for us to charge at them. I scanned the situation, Dammit.. I look behind me the scared soldiers, quivering guns in their hands.

"I need one of you to go back to Atlas warn Ironwood and bring back some reinforcements and join us to the fight. Got that?" I turn back to them, tightening my grip on my weapon.

One of them nods and I can hear their footsteps run off to the forest. I look at  my opponents I sighed, "Well!" I point my scythe at them. "Come and get it!" I yelled.

The Grimm roared as they charged at us. I swing my scythe slashing into all the small Grimms, while I fly through the area. Smashing into monsters, breaking bones left to right.

"AHHH!!!" Someone yells, I curse under my breath. Flying through the trouble and landing to the screaming soldier. 

I slashed the Grimm's hand off, keeping him away, but I heard another yell. But it wasn't in pain, but as a warning.


I looked behind me, but I was too late to find out what hit me. The only thing I could see at that time, was red.

My blood... spilling out...

Winter's P.O.V.

I smiled at my ring on my finger. The little diamond shining at me. "Qrow..." I whispered under my breath.

I looked through my window from my room, the curtains flying as the window grew wild.

"I wonder, how he is now?"

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