Chapter 28: Coming in with a crash

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Qrow's P.O.V.

"Are we there yet?"
"Now are we there yet?"
"Ruby no.."
"Ok how about now!!"

I whip my head around to face Ruby, "how many times am I going to say it!! We aren't there yet!!" I sighed "plus why are you excited?"

Me and the rest of the kids were going on a little field trip to Atlas, in order to escort the lamp. Which happens to be the relic. Right now we were in a jet.

Ruby beams, "It would be nice to go to a fancy place like Atlas instead of sleeping in the forest and all!!"

"Plus I finally get to see my sister!!" Weiss smiles. "It's been so long, I wonder how much I missed!!"

I put my hands under my head. Now that I think about it, did Winter ever tell her about the baby? I sighed, how is she ever going to break it down to her sister that her own father was the cause of the death of the fetus.

I still wonder to this day....
If the baby was still alive..
Would the baby look like her?
Would it be a girl or a boy?
Would it have my traits, my eyes or Winter's beautiful white and blue hair.

I can feel tears bubbling up but I knew they would never fall.

"Hey old man!! Are we there yet?"
I quickly rub my eyes and turn around to see Yang talking to me.

"Kid, I'll tell you okay?" I smiled.

She looks at me, zeroing her Asian eyes at me. "Are you okay?"

I gulped, then ruffled her blond hair "Yeah kid, I'm alright.."

She laughs, even if I didn't have a kid of my own. I knew I would still have to take care of these kids...


Uh? What was that?
The beeping continued until Nora bursted into the door, with a sweat dripping down her skin. "OK I HAVE GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS!!"

"NORA GET STRAIGHT TO THE POINT!!" Ren yells from the controlsroom.

"Ok good news is we're almost at Atlas!!"
"And the bad news?" I say a little worried.

"The engine died and it's heading towards the lake!! WE'RE GONNA DIE!!"

Winter's P.O.V.

"Grimms are still closing in on our  borders, however our soldiers have managed to keep them at bay... we still don't know what to do, they just keep growing and growing..." One of the captain's said to Mr. Ironwood.

He nods then looks at me "What do you think of the situation, Winter?"

I look at the screen of the battle map with grimms and our troops. I put a hand under my chin. "If their forces keep growing then that means there must be a source somewhere..."

"What are you suggesting Winter?"
"I say we march through their nest and investigate who's behind this.."
"You're insane!! We'll get killed in seconds!!"

I look at the soldier "Unless you want more of your men dying everytime they are under attack, I say we end it all so no one else has to suffer with loses.."


I will always (Love) HATE you *A Qrowin Story* (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now