Chapter 7: This is bad...

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Winter's P.O.V.
It was morning, the sun shining.
There was a knock on my door.
I opened it to find Qrow leaning by my doorway. "Ice Queen planes gonna land any minute."

After saying that he walked away. I remembered about last night,

Ugh... it's because I yelled at him didn't I.

I sighed.

I put on my clothes and equipped my sword by my side. I take a deep breath and went out.

"We're landing" the speaker said.

Qrow had his weapon in his hand his sythe turned into a sword then he put it on his back.

"Ready Ice Queen..." but he didn't say it with a smile

I nodded, I felt so bad.

He jumped out of the plane making a landing. I followed him making a jump pad for me to land.

I land next to Qrow who waits for me. "Let's go" he said as we walk to the plaza.

"We should grab some food before we start the mission." He said. I nodded.

I walked around while he tried to find a place to eat at. I must've wandered way to far because I didn't know where I was anymore.

I looked around. How did I end up here. It was a dark alleyway. I need to get to Qrow.

That's when I felt something sharp on my back. "Hey pretty lady!! Gimme all your money and riches you have."

A mugger...

There were 3 of them...

I can still take them on with my...
Eh? My sword!!

"Lookin for this m'lady" the 2nd guy said pulling out my sword.

"This will be worth alot!!" The 3rd guy said.

No... my sword..

"So what should we do to her now?"
"Hmmm well we don't need her..."
"So let's kill her!!"

I gulped. This is bad...

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