Chapter 32: Date

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Winter's P.O.V.

"Ice Queeennn!!!" Qrow cooed over my desk, while I worked signing the papers.

"Qrow whatever it is, I'm busy.." I sternly say, ignoring his pout.

"What? You're too busy for me?!"

Qrow looks at me with disbelief, "Okay, that is just rude."

It had been a week since the plane crash. And just yesterday the idiot was allowed to leave the hospital, the doctor's thought it was okay for him to leave, It still shocks me how he's still alive.

I must've been really distracted from my thoughts, because firm hands gripped my shoulders and started massaging me. "Qrow."

"Why are you so cold Ice Queen, Ironwood wouldn't mind a day off for you. I even asked him myself, he said yes." Qrow says wrapping his arms around me.

I sighed, if Ironwood said it was okay.  I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a little break. "Fine, what do you have in mind?"

20 minutes later....

"Qrow, I can't see anything!" I yelled at him. under the blindfold my eyes were covered in.

"That's the point, it's suppossed to be a suprise? Geez, is this your first time getting a suprise?" Even though I couldn't see it, I could sense Qrow rolling his eyes at me.

"Well get on with it already! You tied this blind fold too tight." I complained, tugging on it.

Qrow tapped my arm, signaling me to let go. "I got it, I got it.."

He untied the blindfold behind me and I opened my eyes, at first I winced from the bright sunlight. Knowing that we were outside.

I look down to see a red and white blanket on the ground with a basket on too of it and a tree to shade.

"Its a picnic! You like it?" Qrow asks walking towards the the set up.

"You did this..." I said still standing there.

He scratched his head, "uh... yeah.. is there something wrong? Do you not like it?!" Qrow looks back at the picnic in confusion. "Did you expect a fancy dinner?! Cause I can't afford tha-"

Before Qrow could finished I wrapped my arms around him. So surprising that he almost falls back. "Thank you.." trying to hold my tears back.

"Thank you.."

He frowns holding up my face carefully in his hands. "What's wrong?" Wiping the tears away from my eyes.

I sniffed cracking a smile. "Nothing, I guess I'm just too happy." I took his hand from my face into my hand.

"Lets go.."

I will always (Love) HATE you *A Qrowin Story* (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now