Chapter 16: Care

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Qrow's P.O.V.
We've been standing in front of the door for half an hour. 

"So.... Are ya gonna open it..." I said looking through Winter's shoulder. 

"Just gimme a second..." She said mumbling under her breath "It's just I've never said no to Ironwood sir or Ozpin."

I looked at her "So if they told you to jump off the tower, you would say yes?"

She turned around "Of course not!!" She said her cheeks getting a little red, it made me smile. 

"Whenever you're ready..." I said putting my hands behind my head. I sighed thinking what choice she made. She said she made up her mind... But that didn't mean she would say no....

I close my eyes, I already told myself that I would respect any choice she made.. But it was hard you know..

I sighed as I hear Winter open the door.

Inside the office Glynda, Ironwood and Ozpin stopped talking whatever they were talking about.

"Winter..." Ironwood straightened his shoulders "I see that you made a decision..."

Winter looks at me and smiles. I smile back. "I have..." Then turns her attention back to Ironwood.

"I decline my offer of being the Fall maiden....." She says. 

The whole room turns quiet.

Ironwood stands up "Are you insane!!" He walks over to Winter. "You do realize that you're putting millions of lives in danger because of this!!"

Her eyes looked worried. "I-"

I stepped in front of Winter, "Ok!! listen here Irondick!! You can't force her to be what she doesn't want to be!! If you want a Fall maiden then you be it!!" I say grabbing Winter's arm dragging her to the door.

But Ironwood's words stop me. "Is the only reason you don't want Winter to be the Fall maiden...  because you have feelings for her..."

I stop in my tracks. And turned around. "YAH!! I DO!! I LOVE HER!! AND UNLIKE YOU I ACTUALLY CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO HER!!"

My face turns red, Shit!!

I run the other direction trying to hide my face. 


I will always (Love) HATE you *A Qrowin Story* (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now