Chapter 10: Nightmare

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Qrow's P.O.V.
It was another nightmare...

Like any other...

Running with the team by my side running from the darkness that was coming closer and closer...

It was always starts with Raven getting swallowed up by it.

As we listen to her screams, Summer cries but Taiyang grabs her arm and pulls her away but tears run down his face.

Then Summer goes next she lets go of Taiyangs hand and rushes into the darkness.

He calls for her name. But I yell at him to runaway.

He doesn't listen and the darkness starts to surround him too.

Then he's gone.

I shout their names and reached for my weapon only to see that it wasn't there, then the darkness surrounds me.

I had this nightmare more than I can remember and it still frightens me.

But this time it was different...

The darkness goes away...

Then I smell a nice scent of snow and flowers.

Wow It's beautiful ... I wonder where it's coming from.

I start to wake up

I open my eyes and yawn.


Why is there hair in front of my face. But it smells good.

I can feel my leg intertwined with someone else's. And my arms around..

Wait a second...

"AHHHH!!" I yelled and fell off the bed.

I just spooned Winter!! I JUST SLEPT WITH HER!! SHE'S GONNA KILL ME!!

"Mmm....Qrow?" Winter said rubbing her eyes. "What are you doing on the floor?"

My face flushed "uhh..." she looked over to me. "The floor is comfier than the bed?"

She looks at me. Still tired of my shit.

"Anyways..." I stand up. "Morning Ice Queen~♡" I say winking at her.

She blinks "I would punch you in the face if you said that to me but since I'm way too tired to do that I won't." She said then got of bed to go to the bathroom.

I looked down at the floor.

Why was my dream... different?

It was always the same all the time.

But what made it different now?

I will always (Love) HATE you *A Qrowin Story* (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now