Chapter 26: Sibling Birds

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Winter's P.O.V.

I groan as my eyes fluttered open. Once they're open I take in a scenery with white curtains and sunlight shining through the window as I lay down on the white bed.

"A hospital? What am I doing here?" I clutch my head and think back. Right I blacked out when my stomach started hurting a lot.

"Winter," a voice said.

I looked to the direction of the sound to see it was Ironwood.

"The doctor says you'll be fine.. so get some rest." He says.
"Yes sir!!" I said saluting.

There was a knock on the door, a doctor came in. "Ah, Miss. Schnee it's nice to see you doing well."

I nod "Will I be ready to fight soon?"

He looks at me "I'm sorry, Miss. Schnee. But I'm afraid you won't be in the fighting position for months!!"

I gasp "Is there something wrong with me!! Perhaps a stomach illness?"

The doctor laughs, "I'm afraid, you've got all wrong!!"
I frown "then what is it?"

He hands me a photo "Congratulations Miss. Schnee, you're pregnant!!"

Qrow's P.O.V.

I screamed as I went flying headfirst into a wall.

I groan. "Raven!!"

My sister transformed out of her bird form. "It's not my fault you've gotten so soft..."

I growled as I clashed my blade.with hers. "How can you just do this to your own daughter!!"

Her red eyes met mine "Yang is anything but my daughter now!!" She kicks me in the stomach sending me back to square one.

I cough "Raven join me and Oz, we can defeat Salem together!!"

She scolds at me "You know there no way to beat Salem, not even miracle can stop her..."

I looked her in the eye "Raven... you're the spring maiden.... with your powe-"
"EVEN WITH MY POWER IT WON'T BE ENOUGH!!" She roars with anger her eyes turning into flames.

I sighed "So what are you going to do kill me?"

She doesn't look back at me, Raven puts on her mask and just walks away. "Qrow.... defeating Salem is the least you should be worried about..."

What does she mean by that?

I will always (Love) HATE you *A Qrowin Story* (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now