Chapter 27: Bad Luck

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Winter's P.O.V.
Ting!! ching!! Ting!!
The sound of the blades clashing continues to get louder and quicker.

The person I was sparing against looked worried. I hit him continuously with my sword as he tries to defend himself with his.

The soldier hits the floor, catching his breath from the fight.

"Hah.." he pants, taking off his fencing helmet.
"Lets take a break.." I said doing the same as I walk back to the bench and take a sip of water.

"Aw man, Miss. Schnee's really strong.." the guy who I was sparing with says.
"Yeah, I'm suprised she can still fight. I heard she's pregnant.." another person says.
"Really? Who's her partner?"
"Don't know, some say it's that drunk huntsman...
"Wait!! Isn't he rumored as bad luck?"
"Yah, heard that's the reason why she lost her first child, I feel real bad for her.."

I tightened my grip on my water bottle as I slam it down the bench.

I point my sword to the other guy. "You there!! It's your turn to fight!!"

The guy flinches. "B-But it's not my tur-"
"Did I ask if it was?!" I glared at him.
"Y-Yes M-Mam!!" He says nodding, quickly rushing to the platform.

"En grad!!" (I don't know how to spell that)

And in one slash I hit him the back, slamming him onto the ground.

"AGH!!" My opponent groans in pain as his friend joins him.

I pull off my helmet as I walk back to the bench, leaving it aside I say "That will be all, I hope you will improve more!!"

"Yes mam!!"
"I think I broke a rib..."

I sighed. I just finished washing up from today's training, but it still didn't calm me down from the two idiots I've been sparing with.

"Don't know, some say it's that drunk huntsman...
"Wait!! Isn't he rumored to be bad luck?"
"Yah, heard that's the reason why she lost her first child, I feel real bad for her.."

I tightened my fist. How can people be so horrible!! But even Qrow admitted himself as badluck. I still remember him saying that he was the reason why his whole team split apart.

Knock knock..
"Come in.." I said.

A soldier came in and saluted to me "Miss. Schnee the files you requested are here!!" He hands me the papers.

"Thank you, this helps a lot.." I smile
He nods, "I'm just wondering, why do you need files on Ozpin? He's dead, there's nothing interesting about that."

I sighed "I just wanted something to be cleared up, that's all... something about him.. it's weird.."

The man nods "I see... well, I'll be going. Goodbye Miss. Schnee.."

I wave to him as the door shuts.
I look through the papers. And I smile to myself "So I was right..."

Qrow's P.O.V.

Yang hands me the lamp. I still couldn't believe this was holding a relic.

I look at the blonde "So Cinder?"
She shakes her head "Raven didn't make it either..."
I held my breath. Even though my sister was a douche, she was my sister. I don't say anything.

"I'm just glad you're okay.." I said smiling as I pat her on the shoulder. She nods before walking over to the others.

I turn around to see Oscar on the floor gasping for air.

"Oz- I mean kid, What's wrong? You overworking yourself?" It was hard to get used to the fact that Oz was in a kids body.

He nods "The relic... we need to get it to Atlas.."

"Don't worry we will, Lets just get you some rest..."
He nods again standing up.

I smile to myself, "Atlas huh?"

I let the lamp hang around the crook of my arm. "Looks like we'll be seeing each other again.. Ice Queen.."

Author's Note:

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Author's Note:

Okay, somebody tell me when Volume 6 is going to be released. My inner fangirl can't take the wait anymore!!

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