Chapter 17: The End

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Winter's P.O.V.
I walked to Qrow's room. When I got there I saw him in his bird form perched on his balcony.

"Qrow....." I sighed I felt kind of silly talking to a bird. "Thank you for... Standing up for me back there...."

I walked to him and ran my hand through his feathers. "And I..."

I heard a cough behind me.

I turned around to see Qrow, wait QROW!! I looked at the bird then at him. I'm so confused!!

"Oh don't let that stop you, keep going..." Qrow says chuckling behind me as the bird flies away.

My face flushes I put my hand over my face "I feel pathetic..." I say. He laughs "well you're not...."

Qrow walks to me putting his arms around my waist. "I'm sorry for yelling at your boss..." Qrow says putting his head on my shoulder.

I sigh "It's fine... I'm actually glad you stood up for me.... Thank you Qrow.." I said looking at him as I smile.

He smiles back at me.

"So whos the new fall maiden then..." I said fingering his necklace.

"A student in Beacon... I heard she's really good at combat.... Has the power to control polarity.."

"Isn't she the red haired girl who's always attached with Juan...." I say.

"Yah... I kind of feel bad for her..."

I smile "she'll be a good fall maiden.."

"Oh I wasn't talking about that..."

I laugh.

Then we hug each other it felt like we would never let go...

"Qrow..." It almost sounded like a whisper but he heard me.


"I love you..." I said holding him.

He smiles back at me it felt like I was gonna melt "And I will always love you forever...."


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The End

Author Note:
Thank you for the support you've for this series!! I will prbly add a epilogue, so keep an eye out for that!! As for that!! Thank you so much for reading this!! I hope you enjoyed this book!!

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