Chapter 34: Ring

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Qrow's P.O.V. (Been a long time pal)

"Pregnant?" A cold feeling sinks into my stomach. I didn't know whether I want to shoot him for bringing up past scars or keep him alive, curious of what he meant.

I look towards my girlfriend. "Winter?" She doesn't move, doesn't look at me. Only to stand still as if she was affected by the news as well.

I looked back at Ironwood, "Jimmy, what the fuck are you talking about?"

His scold softens, as if realizing the tension in the room. "She never told you..." Ironwood sighs. "I'll leave you two alone for now.." he says exiting the room leaving only us two.

I look at Winter, her stance still standing at the same spot as if she was some statue. I lean back on the desk. "I know a lot has happened these past few years, but I would appreciate being filled in with all the details.."

Only silence in response, as if she was a doll with no voice to say in the world. I walk up to her, and brush back a strand of her blue hair. "Hey..." Winter looks up and I can finally see those beautiful blue eyes.

"You can tell me anything, right?" I ask taking her hands and wrapping mine around them.

The frost in her eyes melted into tears and they started to spill off her cheeks, wetting the carpet on the floor.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you.. I thought it would only make you sad if I told you and I know that isn't any exscuse but-" her voice cracks from her sob and I wipe away the flowing tears.

"Hey.." I say gently, putting my hand in her cheek. "Lets sit down, talk it through..."

I kiss her on the cheek. "...together, as long as we're together it'll be alright.. okay.."

Winter laughs through her tears revealing her shining smile. "You're such a dork, you know that right?"

I press my head against her's, "But that's why you love me..."

Winter's P.O.V.

"You know, I had everything planned too." Qrow says sighing his hand holding mine. "From our date early on,"

As we approached the place under the tree. Our picnic basket abandoned since we were called in by Ironwood earlier. "Really? What were you going to do?" I asked, he takes both of my hands this time.

Making me face him, "Well I was going to have us chat til the sun sets. Then we'd both stare at it."

Qrow turns me to the left, putting his hands around me. Revealing the sun setting, the orange color falling to meet the red sky.

"It's beautiful.." I gasp at the scenery, he leans his chin on my shoulder.

"The day of our mission, I asked you what you look for in a man.." he says his voice so gentle.

Qrow turns me around and I'm staring into his red eyes and his smiling face.

"And I think I knew what you meant at that time. I also knew what I had to do.." he says softly, letting go of my hands.

Qrow's knee hits the ground.

I gasp, "Qrow?"

"Winter.." he says slowly his lip widening into a smile. Qrow takes out a small box out of his pocket, opening it to reveal a sliver ring, then says.

"Will you marry me?"

A rush of realization hits me, how didn't I even see this coming? W-What is happening?! "Oh my god! Qrow!!" I cry in joy. "Is that even a question? YES!!"

Qrow jumps up and picks me up in his arms with the biggest smile in his face. Hugging me tightly, "I love you.."

He puts the ring on my finger. "I love you too..." I say the ring glinting on my finger.

I will always (Love) HATE you *A Qrowin Story* (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now