Chapter 36: Crushed Futures

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Winter's P.O.V.

Fall was setting in, the green leaves turned orange and yellow, while I sat down in the inside of my room looking out the window to admire the different colors

I run my hand on my belly that was starting to peek out showing the baby bump. It was kind of hard to move around because of my new weight, so Ironwood suggested I stay in my room instead.

As much as I didn't like the idea of staying inside and doing nothing. It was for the baby's safety and Qrow would yell at Ironwood if he saw me walking up and down the halls.

I sighed straightening my back, speaking of Qrow. Where was that idiot? He promised to come back and get married. Never have to fear with another Grimm invasion.

I put a hand on my stomach, he was supposed to come back days ago. I shook my worried thoughts away, "He's just taking his time! The bastard loves to scare me."

I look down at my stomach, a new life forming inside of me. I leaned down to my baby. "He's going to come back, you'll meet him and we'll be a happy family..."

A week ago...

    "So what do you want to name our kid?" Qrow suddenly says. I almost spit my drink out as he lies down on the couch next to me.

"I-I never thought about it.." I stuttered over my words, wiping my lips.

Qrow leans over to me, his arm around my shoulder. "What, seriously! You have no ideas!"

"Like I said, I never thought about it." I looked over to him, I could feel his breath so close to me. "Why don't you come up with a name."

Qrow sighs, "Hmmm...."

"Ms. Schnee!!" Someone yells, banging on my door. I wake up from my tired flashback. "The soldiers from the Grimm forest, they have arrived!!"

My eyes widened, quickly opening the door. Then ran pass the guards, ignoring what they said. "Wait Ms. Schnee!!"

I have to get there, I need to hold him. I need him to hold me, I need him here right now!!

I walked to the lower floors to see Ironwood through the hallway close  to the corner of the rooms. He almost jumped when he saw me. "Winter.."

"Where's Qrow?!" I asked, catching my breath. I looked around Ironwood who was blocking my path.


"WHERE IS HE!" I yelled, probably the first time I ever raise my voice against him, but I was running out of patience and was quite worried by his tone.

Ironwood grips my by the shoulders, looking straight into my eyes. "Winter.. I need you to calm down.."

I bit my lip, looking down. "I'm sorry for yelling at you.. sir."

"I shouls be the one thats sorry." Ironwood stares at me, but he looked sad.. "I'm going to say this.. and promise me that whatever happens you'll stay strong."

Sweat drips down the side of my head. "What's going on.."

Ironwood sighs, hesitating for a moment. "Qrow.. is dead.."

My eyes widened, feeling my blood run cold. I could feel myself quiver trying to take the fact into my head. "W-What.."

He stops for a moment, "A grimm attacked him, he lost too much blood for him to survive. Qrow was protecting one of our soldiers when he was attacked....

...He died as a hero.. A true huntress.."

I shake my head, feeling my tears roll down my face. "You're wrong!!" A sob caught in my throat. "YOU'RE WRONG! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE TOGETHER! WE ARE-"

I let a cry, my hands over my face. Not letting them see my pathetic tears. "We're supposed to be safe, get married .. we were supposed to have a family and raise the baby together..."

I sob into my arms, longing for his embrace.

But it would never come...

"I'm sorry, Winter..."

4 months later

I felt tired, and IV was stuck in my arm to make sure I was still alive. I cold feel my weight gone. The labor was done and I finally made it.

They didn't even let me see my baby, they said they needed to sanitize it. Check for any diseases and such, all I cared for was the health of my baby however I still wanted to see it.

My stomach rumbles, on an unrelated note I'm getting really hungry. Does this happen to women after they give birth?

Someone knocked on my door, Weiss walked in with the baby wrapped in a red cloth. My eyes gleaned with excitement, the face of my new baby.

Weiss passed the child to my arms and I can hear the baby giggle as it gripping the scrubs I was given, swaddled up in a red blanket.

I frowned noticing the blanket had rips on the edge. Then I realize the familiar color and that scent.

This was Qrow's cape.

"Qrow.." I whispered under my breath, she had his eyes and my hair color.

Weiss leaned over to me. "He would be really happy now." I looked over to her and smiled. "I guess, he would."

Weiss stands up tickling the baby girl's face. "So what are you going to name her as?"

I Looked down at the baby's giggling face, chubby fingers in her mouth.

"Like I said, I never thought about it." I looked over to him, I could feel his breath so close to me. "Why don't you come up with a name."

Qrow sighs, "Hmmm...."

His eyes light up. "I know!! What about..."

"... Blizzard," I responded dragging my mind out of the old times. "Her name.. is Blizzard.."

Author's Note:

Next chapter will be the last chapter! Sorry for the sadness of this chapter and the sadness of the book coming to an end. But you know what they say.

All stories have an ending...

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