Chapter 11: Diana Underwood

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Qrow's P.O.V.
I sighed. How much time does it take for a person to get dressed. I bang on the door "HURRY IT UP ICE QUEEN!!"

"I'm done jeezes.."


The door opens and when I look at Winter my eyes widened.

"Well... what do you think?" She says doing a little twirl.

My jaw falls to the floor.

Winter was wearing a light blue dress with a white lacejust hanging on the side.

"Qrow can you help me tie this lace..." Winter said.

I blush, "uhh... sure" putting my arms around her waist as I tie the rest of the lace...

"So uhh... why did you wear a dress all of a sudden...." I said.

"Well I thought being in a military uniform was a bit out of the ordinary to this town.... so I guess this was the next big thing..." Winter says "But one thing is... I can't do any high kicks with this dress..." she says kicking high in the air.

Except I could see her upper thigh...

I can die peacefully now...

"Well what are you waiting for let's go find the girl..." she says marching out of the door.

When we reached to the apartment a guy in his 20s opened it.

"Umm... you don't look like the pizza guy..." he says.

"Neither do you..." I said.
Winter clears her throat glaring at me "My name is Winter Schnee I'm here to see your sister Diana Underwood.."

His eyes widen "Schnee!! YOU'RE WINTER SCHNEE OMG!! I!!"

"Yah yah she's famous move it along fanboy..." I say coming in.

"Hey bro!! Where's the pi- OMG WINTER SCHNEE!!" A girl with blond hair said.

"Okay why are you famous? Why not me?" I said looking at Winter.


"It's not always a good thing..." Winter said.

"What are you doing here..." Diana said.

Winter looks at Diana's brother Then at her "Well can we talk at the roof.."


We walked to the roof. And when we got there I sat against one of the boxes as Winter and Diana started talking.

"You're quite the fighter here... how good of a fighter are you?" Winter says bringing out her sword.

Diana smiles "A fight with Winter Schnee!! AWESOME!!" She says bringing out her axe.

They start fighting Diana comes out strong charging at Winter, Bad move... Winter was really good at defence.

Winter holds her stance and when Diana charges at her she jumps to the side over her and hits her with the butt of her sword.

It may be a weak shot for most people but Winter's weapon is more powerful it sends Diana flying backwards but she manages to hold her stance.

"Wow... I didn't see that coming.." she says widening her eyes.

Winter smirks puts her sword over her head "You're a good fighter.. but your spirit is too bright..."

Diana pouts "hah... I guess..."

I looked at her "It's okay kid...." I say ruffling her blond hair.

She smiles and we go back to the apartment....

I will always (Love) HATE you *A Qrowin Story* (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now