Chapter 3: Spar?

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Art by Dhurain

Qrow's P.O.V.
I walked to my nieces room where her friends were playing gameboards.  I knew some of her friends name but I can never remember them...

Let's see
Black bow
Ice Queens brat

Close enough...

"UNCLE QROW!!" Ruby said as she launched on to me.

"Hey kid.." I said.
Ice Queen's brat stood up and said "My sister said you're an annoyance"

"Did she?" I smiled to myself "Do you know where I can find her then."

"She's in the sparring area..." Black bow said.
Blake smirked.

"Thanks for the info kid.." I said winking at her. As I left Ruby's room.

As I was leaving I could hear Ice Queen's kid arguing with Blake.

"They seem pretty cute together so.. why not?"

I smiled to myself...

Winter's P.O.V.
Back straightened....
Sword in hand...
Stance ready...

"Ice Queen..."
Who messed me up this time.
I turn around and saw Qrow leaning on a wall.
Of course he would be the one to annoy me.

"So What ar-" before he could finish I put the tip of my sword on his neck. "If you disrupt my training one more time... I will gladly cut your tongue right out of your mouth!!" I said with my eyes shooting with death glares.

He snorted which turned into a laugh.  When he was done he said "Ice Queen if you want my tongue so badly then come and take it."


I threw a punch at him
In return he caught it with his hand

"You don't think I would fall for the same trick twice now, now did you?" Qrow said smiling.

He pushed me to the ground.
I landed butt first
He was strong...

I was so angry!! How dare he make me look like a fool!! That drunk old!! GAHHH!!

He held out his hand "Are you gonna get up or not.."

He might be strong...

I took his hand then with my strength pulled him down with me,putting him in the bottom and me putting my foot on top of him

But I'm stronger..

He looked shocked
I smirked
"Dang Ice Queen if you wanted me so badly you just wanted to be on top then just say so.."


Leaving me shocked and confused he quickly pushed my foot off his chest, sending me to the floor after losing my balance my back hits the floor and Qrow lunges on top of me with both of his arms cornering me.

"Wha-" I stuttered 

"However I prefer to be on top." He said with a smirk.

My face flushed
This little pervert....

"Aww your blushing how cute..." he said.
I put my hand on his mouth pushing him away from me.


I will always (Love) HATE you *A Qrowin Story* (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now